The Stages

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Later Splinter lies down in his room with the teens standing over him. Leo was using one of Jesse's fans to fan down Splinter while Donnie peers at him through his lenses. "I feel terrible. Do I look terrible? Be honest." Splinter said as he sits up showing the teens his nasty face and making the teens pull back, all reacting with fear. "You look great, not horribly sick at all." Raph said to him and he grabs the curtain and pulls it shut, cutting Splinter off from them.

"He's horribly sick." Raph said to them. "Look, a flu this intense is going to affect all areas of his brain. I'm talking the full seven stages before his body naturally heals itself." Donnie said to them. "You guys know what the full seven stages mean?" Raph asks them making his brothers go, "Mhm-hmm". "Is he going to die?" Tasneem asks them. "Another chance to get whatever we want!" Raph yelled and the brothers cheer happily. "What?" Jamey said to them. "But poor Dad. He must feel terrible. But lucky us, he'll say yes to whatever we ask for! Whoo-hoo!" Mikey yelled happy. "I feel like we are missing something here." Jesse said to herself. "So, go with it." Cheyenne said to her. "Only if we make it all the way to the end of the flu, the elusive stage seven. And we never get there." Donnie said to them while crossing his arms. "This year's gonna be different, there are more of us now. Nobody's getting bit. Nobody's getting infected." Raph said to them. "When we do make it to the end, which I'm now calling the Must Say Yes stage, what are we gonna ask for?" Leo asks them making the group think about it then they look at Raph. "Well, this year, I was thinking we could ask for, uh, um, er—uh..." Raph said not knowing what to ask for. "Aww, he's got nothing. We're dead." Leo said to them as he leans onto Jesse. "Hey, I got something, all right? Like a, uh..." Raph said to them then Donnie leaps up with a maniacal expression on his face. "Uranium! Oh, we should absolutely ask for uranium. I mean, if I could finally get my hands on a little of that." Donnie said to them making Cheyenne walk over to him. "We would be virtually unstoppable." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie nod agreeing with her then Mikey and Tasneem jumps over to them. "What about a brick oven for pizza?" Mikey asks them. "You know how many pizzas we can make with that?" Tasneem asks them then Leo and Jesse shove them aside. "Who's gonna clean that? What we should ask for is matching unicorn onesies." Leo said to them. "I could definitely detail them with fashion accessories." Jesse said to them. "And they are sick! Pun intended. And I nailed it." Leo said to them then the group starts to wrestle with each other. "Enough!" Jamey yelled making the group look at her. "I got this, all right? I'm gonna ask Splinter for something that benefits all of us." Raph said to them. "This is so exciting!" Tasneem yelled with a smile. "But terrible for Dad." Mikey said to them then he gasps and then exhales, seeing his breath. Raph blows on his hand and sees his breath. "Buckle up, guys. It's about to get weird."  Raph said to them with narrow eyes.

Splinter freezes the whole lair trying to cure himself

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Splinter freezes the whole lair trying to cure himself.

All the turtles in the center of the lair, have heat lamps over them. Everyone was all huddled together and shivering while Leo, in a full-body parka, sitting a foot away, sipping a hot beverage. "I hate stage one." Tasneem said to them while Mikey moves closer to her. "Think warm thoughts. Pizza ovens. Bricks from Italy. Wood chips roasting." Mikey said to her. "We're four hours in. His fever's gotta break soon." Raph said to them. "Four hours! We are so dead." Jamey said to them. "I told you guys to plan ahead. Now I'm sitting here all toasty." Leo said to them and he looks at Jesse. "Jesse, do I have a fever?" Leo asks her making Jesse look at him. "Because you are giving me chills." Leo said to her with a smile. "I hope I am the first one to go." Jesse said to herself as Leo slurps his drink as a shadow appeared. The teens look up all stunned while Leo spits out his drink. "What? Wha...why?" Leo asks Splinter who had all of his fur shaved off his body. "Had to air myself out." Splinter said to them and he falls on his face as wisps of smoke rise off of him. "What is the next stage?" Cheyenne asks the brothers before they can answer her they all hear growling. The teens turn to Splinter who was now looking demonic. Splinter starts chasing them making the teens scream as they run away from him. 

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