Repo Mantis

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In a Salvage Junkyard

Donnie, Mikey, Cheyenne, and Tasneem were going through a car trunk. "Man, junkyards are gold mines." Donnie said to Cheyenne. "Only a junkyard can satisfy our technological creativity." Cheyenne said to him with a smile making Donnie nod agreeing with her. Donnie begins digging through the trunk of the car with his hands and battle shell legs. Donnie then finds a pineapple air freshener and sniffs it. "Who needs real pineapples when you have one of these babies?" Donnie said to himself then he hands it to Cheyenne then a huge magnet in the background lifts a car, drawing Mikey and Tasneem's attention. "Donnie! Donnie!" Mikey calls his brother while Cheyenne finds an old turtle toy. "Yo, Cheye." Tasneem calls her sister while walking over to her. "I'm busy, Tasneem." Cheyenne said to her while she technological powers to make some of the parts fly around her. "Unless you got something that will surprise us." Cheyenne said to her.  "Guys, I really think we should..." Mikey said while pointing upwards trying to get Donnie and Cheyenne's attention. "Ah, fuzzy nerd dice!" Donnie yelled with a smile. "GUYS!" Mikey and Tasneem yelled a car hangs above them for a second and then drops. Tasneem and Mikey grab their siblings pulling them out from there just in time. The four turtles bounce down the pile of cars they were on top of and then land inside a car. "Mikey, next time, we would appreciate a heads-up." Donnie said to him. "Okay. Heads up!" Mikey yelled making the four look into the rearview window, they see a wrecker pulling a vehicle behind it. "Is that..." Tasneem said as Donnie gasped.  "It is!" Donnie said to her. "The Jupiter Jim Moon Buggy!" Mikey yelled with a smile. "Featured in not one, not two but sixty sequels of "Jupiter Jim's Last Trip to the Moon". Ah, ha!" Donnie laughs a little. "What nerds you are for this show." Cheyenne said to them with a smile as the wrecker's arm swung and releases the buggy, which rolls over and landed upright on its wheels. "How could anybody let that historical gem slip through their fingers?" Mikey asks them. "I do not know, Michael, but we've got to have it." Donnie said to him. "Wait, where are we going to put that thing?" Tasneem asks them, making a point.

The four leave the car and they begin running through the junkyard, heading for the buggy. "But how are we gonna get the car? We can't go and talk to one of those human people." Mikey said to them then there was a loud crash and the car they are hiding behind is lifted into the air. The four fall over with Tasneem falling into Mikey's arms. The four see a mutated praying mantis holding the car up overhead. "Who the heck are youse?" He asks them looking down at the four who were lying on the ground. "Oh, no, a mutant!" Donnie yelled making Cheyenne look at him. "Wait, we're mutants too." Cheyenne said to him. "Oh, then it's okay." Donnie said to them. "Dude, you better hide. There's a human guy around here." Mikey said to the new mutant. "Easy, easy." He said and he tosses the car behind him. "This is Repo Mantis Salvage. The guy is me." Repo said to them. "This is your lot." Tasneem said to him then Mikey leaps up to Repo, and clasps his hands together in a begging motion. "You have to sell us that moon buggy! Please!" Mikey yelled at him making Donnie grab him by the shell and pulls Mikey back. "Ah!" Mikey yelled then he sees his brother and the two sisters. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Cool your scramjets, buddy. This is a negotiation. We gotta play it smooth." Donnie said to his brother. "Okay, what's the plan?" Cheyenne asks him making Donnie look at her. "You two can just watch and lean." Donnie said to the sisters. "Okay." Tasneem said with a smile.

Mikey and Donnie then put on sunglass and the two walk over to the buggy. Mikey walks along the side of the buggy, running his fingers along it while Donnie, trails his finger along the other side and then rubs his fingers together before leaning back against a tire. "So, uh, how much you gonna pay us to take this pile of parts off your hands, amigo?" Donnie asks Repo who was looking at some paperwork. "Scram. I got a lot of fenders to count." Repo said to them. "I see you drive a hard bargain, sir. Well, perhaps I can interest you." Donnie said while taking out his wallet. "In a little coin." Donnie said as he opens his wallet to reveal a coupon for ice cream and some coins. "I've got big silver, small silver, and I can make it rain copper, daddy." Donnie said as he drops two handfuls of pennies. "You do know that you only have coins." Cheyenne said to Donnie who looks at her. "Shhh." Donnie said to her. "Hey, you ain't got nearly enough, but say, I could use a couple of tough muties like you. Ever do any repo work?" Repo asks them. "Of course! No." Mikey said as he lowers his sunglasses. "What's repo work?" Tasneem asks Repo. "It's when you take stuff back." Repo said as he slices off the mirror from a car with his claw. "From deadbeats who didn't pay for it. Do a job for me today, and I'll let you have that moon buggy thing." Repo said to them. "We're in." Mikey said while he leaps towards Repo. "And...sidebar." Cheyenne said while she grabs Mikey's shell and yanks him back to them. "Look, Mikey, repo men have to be mean, and I don't know if you know this, but you're kind of a softie." Cheyenne said to him. "That really hurts my feelings." Mikey said to her making Cheyenne and Donnie give him a look. "Oh, you have a point." Mikey said to them. " Raph is more of a softie than Mikey." Tasneem said to them remembering how Raph is. "But I can do this. Hard as nails. Grr." Mikey said to them. "I can't wait to see this." Tasneem said to herself then the group turns to Repo. "We're in. What's the skinny, chico?" Mikey asks Repo. "I need you to get an RV." Repo said then he shows the group a pamphlet with pictures of the RV. "From a real shady mutant. Holes up in the woods, on the wrong side of the tracks, in the darkest outskirts of the bad part of town." Repo said to them making Tasneem and Mikey glance at each other with confusion.

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