Stuck On You

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In Sewer Lair

Cheyenne was waiting for Donnie to give her the date's address in the meantime Cheyenne was with her sisters in her room. "This is great maybe Donnie wants to be something more than friends with you." Tasneem said to Cheyenne while hugging her sister. "I don't know about that." Cheyenne said to them. "What are you talking about woman? He is smart for wanting to be with you." Jesse said to her. "I occasionally wonder why you are my twin sister." Cheyenne said to her making Jesse give her a little smile. "But you do like Donnie, right?" Jamey asks her while searching a box that was beneath Cheyenne's desk. "Of course, I cherish Donnie, but why are you looking at the things I have?" Cheyenne asks her while Jesse sits in front of Cheyenne. "And I heard that Splinter given Donnie a lesson in flirting." Jesse said to her making Cheyenne look at her. "How did you know that?" Cheyenne asks her. "Leo informed me that Donnie requests some pick-up lines." Jesse said to her making Cheyenne laugh a little. "Hey, Cheyenne." Tasneem calls her making Cheyenne look at her. "Do you think I and Mikey will be together?" Tasneem asks her making Jesse look at her. "Yes, you two are without a doubt adorable." Cheyenne said to her making Tasneem smile. "Hey, Cheye." Jamey calls her making the three look over at her. "Why do you have this?" Jamey asks her showing them the tiny turtle gun that Tasneem used to release them from the mind control their father had placed on them. "I kept it because..."  Cheyenne said as she walks over to Jamey and she takes the gun from her. "If he tries to do it again." Cheyenne said to her while taking the gun from Jamey. "You can never be to safe." Cheyenne said to them while looking at the gun. Then suddenly the lights starts flickering making the sisters look at the lights. "What the?" Jamey said as Tasneem holds onto Jesse's arm while Cheyenne opens her tablet and she turns on the camera in the lab. "You see anything?" Jamey asks her while Cheyenne looks at her tablet to see the light bulb was flashing. "Let's go to the lab." Cheyenne said to them and the sisters leave Cheyenne's room to the lab.

The sisters enter the lab to see the light was still flashing. "Something is going on." Cheyenne whisper to herself. "Why is the light flickering a lot?" Jesse asks them as Cheyenne makes a light hologram for her and her sisters to see better. 

"My inventions were meant to do good. Not evil!"

The girls hear Donnie's voice from far inside the lab. "Donnie?" Cheyenne said as the lab starts shaking. "Donnie is everything okay?" Cheyenne calls out to him while Tasneem holds onto Jesse's arm. 

"What have you done to my body! My perfect body!"

The girls hear Leo wail as the girls watch as a figure walks out of the shadows. Tasneem falls down taking Jesse with as the girls see the brothers joined together into one ball. Leo's arm and Mikey's leg were poking out on the left while Donnie's leg and Raph's arm are on the right side

 Leo's arm and Mikey's leg were poking out on the left while Donnie's leg and Raph's arm are on the right side

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"What happened?" Jamey asks them while Jesse stands up then helps Tasneem up. "Long story." Raph said to her. "Why did you do this Raph?" Mikey asks him while glaring at Raph. "You know even for you, this feels like a poorly thought-through idea." Donnie said to him. "Is this what it feels like to have a dad bod?" Leo asks them as he looks at himself in the nearby mirror only able to move his arm. "You guys almost look like Frankenstein." Tasneem said to them while Jesse walks closer to them to stare at them. "Calm down." Raph said to them as Cheyenne and Jamey helps the brothers stand up. "This is gonna be awesome! Being stuck together is gonna force us to work together, as a team." Raph said to them as he punches himself making them unbalance but Cheyenne uses her bo to stop from from falling over. "This is a team building exercise?" Leo asks him while raising his eyebrow. "How are we gonna get unglued?" Donnie asks Raph. "We can punch you guys." Jesse said to them. "No!" The brothers yelled at her. "Maybe we can use water." Tasneem said to them while rubbing her head. "Relax, I'm sure you have a formula to get us unstuck Donnie." Raph said talking to Donnie. "Actually I do not have a formula. My FAB spray is still in beta." Donnie said to him making Leo look at him. "FAB?" Leo said confused. "F.A.B Foam agent bonding. It's state of the art." Donnie said to him. "Not this again." Leo said to himself as Donnie starts talking about the Foam. "You see Raph, usually when Donnie is in speech mode, I could just run away but now I'm stuck." Leo said to Raph. "So, I can't punch them?" Jesse asks her sisters.

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