War and Pizza

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Turtles were in their sewer lair doing what they love to do... have some time to themselves.

Leo was watching Jesse skating with her sister Jamey. Leo smiles as Jesse does a drop-in move. "She is absolutely perfect." Leo said to himself, she was absolutely perfect and very cool to be around in his eyes. Over time, the sisters have developed their own personalities, some of which they have inherited from the brothers due to their close association. "DONNIE IS TRYING TO MAKE TOAST!" The group hears Mikey yelling making them turn to see the toaster was on fire. "WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING SO WRONG DONNIE!?" Cheyenne yelled at him as she runs over to him. "I don't know." Donnie said to her as he hides behind Cheyenne while Raph puts the fire out. "I will make us all some eggs without the toast." Tasneem said to them as everyone sits down in the kitchen. Leo stares at Jesse for a long time while she talks to Mikey, seemingly in love with her, before he realizes that he was.

Later that day, Donnie talking to Cheyenne while the other siblings were running away from a flying microwave wearing boxing gloves shoots lasers at them. "TURN IT OFF DONNIE!" Raph yelled at his brother who was standing by Cheyenne. "So you can see the robot follows whoever I make it." Donnie said to her making Cheyenne smile at him as the robots starts shooting at the others. "I AM BREAKING IT!" Jamey yelled as she threw her weapons at it but the robot moves out of the way. "Oh, man." Jamey said to herself as she starts running away from the robot that was following her. "DONNIE!" Raph yelled at him while he uses his shell to protect Jamey. "Do you guys mind, I am talking to Cheye." Donnie said to him and he turns to Cheyenne. "YOU WILL NOT HAVE A MOUTH TO TALK IF YOU DON'T TURN THAT THING OFF!" Jamey yelled at him as she jumps onto Raph's shoulders. "I will save you, Jesse." Leo said to her as he runs beside her. "I AM FINE, LEON!" Jesse yelled at him as the robot shots a bomb at the two making Leo pick up Jesse as he runs away from the robot. Jesse threw ninja stars at the robot who moves out of the way then Jesse stands on Leo's shoulders. "DONNIE!" Jesse yelled at him while Leo holds onto Jesse's legs. Tasneem and Mikey used their skateboards to get away from the robot. "I feel like I am about to died." Tasneem said to them as she rode her skateboard alongside Mikey. "Don't worry, Tasneem. We'll survive." Mikey told her before tumbling onto the ground. "MIKEY!" Tasneem yelled for him. "AVENGE ME!" Mikey yelled at her. "Here." Donnie said to Cheyenne handing her the remote then Donnie's phone rang. "Donnie..." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie cut her off. "I want you to hold that thought, cutie." Donnie said to Cheyenne who looks at him as Donnie answers his phone and then put it on speaker. "You are conversing with Donatello." Donnie said making Cheyenne look at Donnie's phone to see it was April calling him. "Dude, I need your help." April said to him. "For you, anything. As long as it does not involve bees, or spiders, or beach balls." Donnie said to her then there was an explosion behind him and Cheyenne, which the two ignores. "Please not beach balls." Donnie said to himself. "I need to know that story." Cheyenne said to herself making Donnie look at her attentively. "Can you fix Albearto? He broke before singing Happy Birthday." April said to him. "April still hasn't gotten through the Happy Birthday song yet, guys." Cheyenne said to the others who looks over at them. "April still hasn't gotten through the Happy Birthday song?" Raph asks them with Jamey holding onto Raph with her arms around his neck. "Am I on speaker?!" April yelled through Donnie's phone. "Or cake, actually." Donnie said to them making Leo scoffs. "Or cake?" Leo said while taking Jesse's hand, then lowered her to the ground. "Albearto's is the pizza place, right?" Jamey asks them. "We'll be right over." Raph said to April. 

"Hey, if you guys are in the middle of something..." April said then she was interrupted when the call ends abruptly and the Turtles suddenly come bursting in through the doors behind her in battle-ready poses just as quickly. "Fixers in the house, swooping in to save the day!" Raph yelled at April. "That was fast. Actually, I just needed Donnie and maybe Cheyenne to speed things up." April said to them. "Oh, we know, we just came for the free pizza." Jesse said to her while leaning onto Leo. "Remember, blend in like you're a birthday robot." Raph said to them then Raph, Leo and Mikey start making beeping and whirring sounds. "Aye, aye, captain." Mikey said to Raph in a robot voice, as the group walks away leaving, April, Donnie, and Cheyenne. Cheyenne and Donnie walk over to Albearto's body and they start working. "So, Donnie and Cheye, hopefully, this will be a quick fix." April said to them and she turns to see Cheyenne use her powers to break Albearto apart. "Eh?" Donnie said as he turns to April while Cheyenne lays the parts down on the floor. "Uh..." Donnie said to April showing April a thumbs up. "Or a total tear-down. That works." April said to herself.

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