Donnie's Gifts

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During a patrol in the night streets of New York, the Turtles come across a mutant silverfish, which is just on the prowl for laundry to consume. The silverfish turns to see Raph making it screech at him. "Okay, mutant silverfish, you've eaten people's laundry for the last time!" Raph yelled at it and he struck the silverfish and it drops the basket of laundry it was holding and split it into two. "What the...?" Jamey said as she walks over to Raph's side. Jamey sees the two silverfish holding a pair of underwear between them. Raph hits them both with his tonfas and they split again so that there are now four silverfish. Screeching, they pounce on the underwear and start chewing. "Hey, Raph!" Donnie calls him making the two look up to see Donnie and Cheyenne who flew over to them in their battle shell rotors. Jamey can see a bored expression on Donnie's face. "Every time you smash them, they just split in two!" Donnie said to his brother. "I know. Isn't it cool?" Raph said to him. "Think, Raph, think." Cheyenne said to him. "Oh..." Raph said thinking about it for a minute. "I guess it does double the problem. Which means double the smashing!" Raph yelled and he starts smashing silverfish left and right. Suddenly there are dozens of them and they all leap on Raph making Jamey jump away from Raph who gets knocked down. The Silverfish start jumping up and down on him and hit him. "I got you, Raph. Oh!" Mikey said as he flings his Kusari-fundo at the silverfish. "This situation calls." Mikey said as the weapon wraps around the silverfish and he yanks them off Raph. "For a dose of my psycho-acrobatics!" Mikey yelled as he jumps around in the air and smashes face first into the bottom of a fire escape. With a groan, Mikey slides down and he and the silverfish land in a dumpster. "Where's Mikey?" Tasneem asks the group as she joins them. The silverfish in the dumpster begin chittering and the dumpster hops from side to side. Mikey then comes flying out of the dumpster to hit the ground with silverfish clinging to him and they proceed to pound Mikey. "Oh, there he is." Tasneem said to them.  "Oh boy." Donnie said as he face-palmed himself while Leo and Jesse joined the group. "I got you, Mikey." Leo said and he uses his sword to slice open a fire hydrant. Water shoots out of it, hitting Mikey and knocking the silverfish off of him. Mikey crawls backward towards Raph, Jamey, and Tasneem. Leo jumps down in front of his two brothers and the sisters.  "Looks like these fish are..." Leo said and he chuckles while Jesse walks over to the group. "Wait for it, you're gonna love this...all washed up." Leo said to them. making Mikey and Tasneem boo at him while Raph moves his hands in a shooing manner, Jesse rolls her eyes while Jamey folds her arms. "Okay, okay, okay, how 'bout this. Those bugs are so wet...." Leo said to them not seeing that the Silverfish were all getting up but the group doesn't see it too busy watching Leo try to come up with another one-liner. "Uh, Leo." Cheyenne said to him and the Silverfish attacks the six siblings. The six try to get the Silverfish off from them while Donnie and Cheyenne watch them. "Hold on, I got you guys." Cheyenne said to them as she lands on the floor and she takes out her staff. Cheyenne presses a button and the staff becomes a ball shooter and she starts shooting at the Silverfish. "Ugh, this is getting old." Donnie said to himself as his robo-shell changed back to normal. Donnie transforms his bo into a chest-mounted weapon that shoots tennis balls. Donnie pressed a button and the weapons shots out tennis balls that strike the silverfish, knocking them off of his brothers and the sisters then they all run away. Donnie and Cheyenne transformed back to their original form as everyone gets up. 

"Mission accomplished!" Mikey yelled to his group. "Whew. Nice hustle, Donnie and Cheyenne. I knew we could deal with this as a team." Raph said to them with a smile. "Actually, it was pretty much just me and Cheyenne." Donnie said to him as he turns away from the group. "But segue, I think I have a little something to kick our skills into high gear." Donnie said to them and he presses a button on his wrist controller. Then there is a rumbling, whirring sound and a huge drill comes up through the pavement in the alley in all its glory. "What the what?" Mikey said looking at the drill. "Jumpin' Jack Flash!" Raph yelled in amazement as Mikey runs over to the drill and he hugs it.  "It's beautiful." Mikey said to himself.  "No, no, no. Not that." Donnie said to him. "What do you mean not that?" Jesse asks him. "Yeah, that should totally be the thing." Leo said to him. "No, no, no, that's just a's in beta. Don't worry about it. The real thing is much more personal and thoughtful, and I really hope you like it, 'cause if you don't I will just be crushed!" Donnie yelled making the group look at him. "Donnie, just show it to us. I'm sure we'll all love it." Raph said to him. "All right. Here it goes." Donnie said to them and he presses another button. "Okay, so we're just moving past the drill?" Jamey asks them as the drill starts spinning throwing Mikey off of it. The drill opens and two yellow spotlights flash from the ends as shelves pop up, each holding one item and a place card with Donnie's brother's name on them. "You even got my life colors right!" Mikey said with his eyes sparkling at an orange jumpsuit. "Oh-ho-ho, wow! I don't know what this is but it has got a lot of blinkity-blinks." Leo said marveling at a blue-collar. "Whoa, jazzy headgear!" Raph yelled looking at the red helmet. 

"Donnie, what did you really get them?" Cheyenne asks Donnie who looks at her. "You'll see." Donnie said to her softly. "Wow, you're scary." Cheyenne said to him while the three brothers put on their gifts and they do a pose then Leo walks over to Jesse who looks at him. "So what's your take on this, girl?" Leo asks her pointing at the blue-collar. "You're right, there are quite a few elements of what you describe as, Blinkity-Blinks." Jesse said to him while Jamey jumps onto Raph's shoulders. "Nice, headgear Raph." Jamey said to him while touching Raph's headgear. "Thanks, Jamey." Raph said to her with a smile while Tasneem looks at Mikey's orange jumpsuit. "Do you think you can jump high now with that jumpsuit?" Tasneem asks him making Mikey's eyes spark again. "I don't know, maybe." Mikey said to her with a smile. "I'm so glad you like 'em! Now let me show you how they work." Donnie said to them as he was about to press another button on his arm device until there was a Silverfish screech in the distance. "Huh?" Tasneem said looking around. "What was that?" Raph asks them then the eight all start running toward the sound forgetting about the gifts Donnie had gotten for his brothers for a moment. 

Mikey stops in his tracks to stare up at a sign hanging from the wall of a restaurant. "Chateau Pretenche? I think I've heard of this place." Mikey said to himself then suddenly Tasneem grabs Mike's jumpsuit and she yanks him over to the others. "Another mutant? What's his deal?" Leo asks them as the eight see a grotesque pig-like figure catching the silverfish then he tosses it into a bag. "You know what, that guy looks like the Meat Sweats." Raph jokes making the group laugh a little at his joke but Donnie. The pig mutant tosses the bag over his shoulder and jumps into a tunnel opening. He's so large he has to strain to get through. "Am I the only one who thinks he's kinda cute?" Tasneem said to them making the group of turtles look at her. "Forget I said anything." Tasneem said to them as the pig mutant finally gets through the porthole. "Well, it looks like we're going to have another mission tonight." Jesse said to them making the group nod agreeing with her.

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