𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟓

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I inhale deeply trying to gather myself together, as Jungkook spots me at the marketing department

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I inhale deeply trying to gather myself together, as Jungkook spots me at the marketing department."G-good morning uh Mr. Jeon and Ms. Lee."

My eyes wavers unable to keep contact with Jungkook, only keeping my eyes on the woman standing beside him—my friend Jieun.

"Is uh there anything I could do for you, Mr. Jeon?" I asks with my voice low and monotone.

There's a concern look on Jieun's face. She knows me too well to know something is wrong. I remain smiling in-front of them, despite the sickening feeling in my stomach at the sight of Jungkook.

"Miss Haruno, I've been looking all morning for you," Jungkook scolds me. "What are you doing in the marketing department?"

Hiding from you.

"Uh," I try to think of a quick lie. "Mr. Kim had asked me to check on how the marketing department is doing."

"Is that so?" He raises his brow, watching me closely.

I tensely nod my head.

"Or are you here looking for someone in particular?" His eyes pierces into mine as he folds his arms.


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No. I was just avoiding you.

I've been trying to avoid him as long as I could today before the meeting with him, Jieun, and Taehyung. After what I've heard last night, I'm having trouble looking at him the same. Even my guilt towards deceiving him has faded.

I sat miserably in the passenger seat, as Jungkook sped through the empty downtown streets. I was feeling relieved that Taehyung and I didn't end up getting caught.

I don't feel as guilty as I was for having a secret love affair with Taehyung. In fact, why would it be an affair when Jungkook and I's relationship was always fake. Nothing was ever real about it.

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