𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎

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Jungkook's eyes are cold and impenetrable. We had gotten to his penthouse after the flight and suffocating silent car ride. Once we entered his home, he immediately sat me down as if I'm in trouble. I gulp in anxiousness as I stare up at him. I'm trying my best to fight the dread twisting in my stomach.

"Jungkook...is everything okay?" I weakly ask, trying to hide my growing fear.

He places a hand into his pocket, studying my eyes with an emotionless expression. "I don't know you tell me."

He knows?

I don't say a word, feeling a lump in my throat. He's looking deeply into my eyes as if he's waiting for me to say something. But I continue to keep quiet, fiddling my fingers.

He suddenly sighs. "I won't be sleeping here. I'll be staying at my father's, I gotta see him right away."

"But you need to sleep," I blurt, "We literally just landed."

He looks at me for a moment and immediately I realized I just shown a sudden concern and care for him.

"Uh..." I stutter, "I mean—"

He smashes his warm lips onto mine, taking me by surprise. My eyes stay open in shock, while my lips move in unison with his. There's something so cold in his kiss.

 There's something so cold in his kiss

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"Rein..." he pulls away, eyes dark with emotion, "That bet we made...as much as I would love to see you begging me to fuck you, I'm not gonna lie...day by day it's getting difficult to contain myself."

My heart plummets and stomach twisting. Where is he going with this?

"But..." there's a small pause, with his eyes turning icy, "The sheer thought of you having another man is much more insufferable than my sexual urges right now."

His coldness sends shivers down my spine. Suddenly, he walks behind me, and begins to place his cold hands onto my shoulders and rubbing it down my sides. It feels like he's tormenting me.

"I rather hold onto my urges than have another man touch you." He places soft kisses onto the nape of my neck down to my shoulders.

My heart is pounding loud and fast from my sudden fear mingling with a foreign dark excitement from his kisses on my bare skin. The sensation inside me intensifies when I feel his lips sucking onto my neck.

"Reina," he harshly breathes as he releases his lips from my neck, "Is there anything I need to know?"

My heart stops. My eyes widens.

Oh...he knows.

I shake my head no, unable to utter any words. I'm paralyzed in fear.

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