𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟏

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[ Reina's POV ]

It can't be Jungkook. There is no way. Taehyung is out of his mind. Jungkook could never...right?

I could hear the door open behind me. I know it's Jungkook, but I keep my gaze out the window. He's finally back home from that event.

I flinch from the sudden arms wrapped around my waist. I could already smell the strong liquor mixed with cigarettes. My body is stiff, unable to react to his touch. The moment I feel gentle kisses on my exposed shoulder, my body shivers in terror and I spin around to face him, taking a step back.

 The moment I feel gentle kisses on my exposed shoulder, my body shivers in terror and I spin around to face him, taking a step back

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"Rein?" His eyes looks at me with confusion from my strange reaction. "What's wrong?"

The moment I meet his cold eyes, a chill runs down my back and my body takes a step back away from him again.

His eyes darkens. "Why do you suddenly look so terrified of me?"

"Uh...I uh..." I quickly steady my shaking voice "You just caught me off guard."

He could tell I was lying. But he seems to brush off my behaviour as he pulls me in, brushing his lips onto mine. My eyes stay open, unable to return his kiss.

"I...uh..." I manage to pull away, "The night of the bombing and my mother's death...you weren't even in Seoul, right?"

"Yes, nowhere near Seoul," he says with no hesitation, his eyes fixated on my lips. "Why?"

"Nothing...just curious."

He leans in again about to kiss me but I turn my face. He sighs and finally moves back, finally giving up.

"I have to tell you something," I timidly say. I could tell he just wants to continue kissing, but he's holding back. "I went there tonight because...The suspects were all there that night. The only thing is. I don't know who. What was your reason there?"

"Mackenyu and Eunwoo are suspected to be associated with the Blood Moons. I went there to investigate and try to get close with them."

"Hm..." I feel taken back that he answered so quick and openly. "Were you there to meet anyone?"

"No," he firmly answers. "If it's proven that those bastards are associated with the Blood Moons or even better—one of them being the younger Moon child—we're going to immediately execute them. Those bastards don't deserve to live."

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞Where stories live. Discover now