𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟑

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[ Reina's POV ]

"Haruno Reina, do you have something to tell me?"

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"Haruno Reina, do you have something to tell me?"

A cold wave embalms me, immediately freezing my body.

It's time I tell him the truth.

It's going to hurt him. But the longer I keep it, the worst it's going to get.

I inhale deeply trying to gather myself together. But the coldness of his eyes makes me terrified to see how hurt he will be, and I even fear for Taehyung's life.

"Reina," he harshly says, making my heart jump in nervousness. "I won't ask again."

"I d-don't know," I quickly say, my voice unsteady. "I uh don't know who that's from."

"You don't know?" He mockingly says. "First the flowers, now this love letter?"

Love letter?

His eyes shifts down at the paper again. "It seems the person is quite in-love with you."

I keep quiet, feeling a sense of doom.

Is it from Taehyung?

"You must be entertaining this man that he feels so welcomed to write this letter to you." He pauses for a moment, intimidatingly staring into my eyes as if he's trying to see the truth in them. "I'm sure you must know who this is from. Am I right, Reina?"

My heart freezes and my stomach turns icy. I don't say a word as his eyes keeps me paralyzed in fear.

He takes a step closer towards me, instantly out of impulse I step backwards from terror, as if my body knew not to be near him. But to my surprise he pushes me against the door behind me, smashing his lips onto mine.

Our bodies pressed heatedly against the wall, with his hand grasping down my waist while the other on the back of my head, keeping a tight grip on my body as he burns his lips onto mine

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Our bodies pressed heatedly against the wall, with his hand grasping down my waist while the other on the back of my head, keeping a tight grip on my body as he burns his lips onto mine.

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