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"This kind of behaviour is completely unacceptable."

Lance probably shouldn't be holding his head so high at this point. But compared with some of the Garrison detentions this was a breeze.

Also slouching made his ribs hurt. Man, Gordon had a good punch on him.

He held eyecontact with the head teacher. "Now tell me, what happened?"

Gordon jumped at the opportunity. He probably just wanted to land Lance in it but Lance wasn't having it.

"It was me." Lance said cutting Gordon's spew. "I said he couldn't beat me in a fight."

"And this required a demonstration?" The teacher frowned.

Lance shrugged. "It wasn't my intention, but apparently."

"Thank you for being honest Mr McClain, we will have to call your parents in for a discussion about this. Mr Spencer, you can return to class."

"I... You... He... What?" Gordon whispered eyes flickering between Lance and the teacher.

"Sorry about kicking your pride." Lance said offering a slight smile.

The teacher guided him out and suddenly Lance was alone.

"So who should I call?" The head teacher asked as she grabbed the phone.

Lance's mind when blank. "Um..." He suddenly felt out of his depth, at the Garrison parents weren't a phone call away, they hardly ever visited.

"I'll get your parents contact details." The head teacher sighed as she got up.

The other teacher sat down. Lance didn't really recognise him, but he had kind eyes. The kind that almost reminded him of Coran.

"This isn't your usual behaviour." He said gently. "You know you don't have to take the fall for others, right?"

"Maybe he needs the wake up call." Lance replied holding his gaze. "You're right, I can't protect or save everyone. But sometimes I can help."

"That isn't your job kiddo." The teacher said shaking his head.

Lance shrugged. That was debatable, but not with a teacher, he didn't really want to explain that he was a dimension hopping universal hero.

It wasn't really an easy topic.

Eventually two agents showed up. One being Maria Hill who placed her hand on Lance's shoulder while the other agent started talking with the headteacher.

Lance smiled slightly at Hill.

"Still getting into fights?" She smiled.

"Kinda." Lance agreed.

"Well, we're going to sort all of this out." The headteacher explained looking towards Lance. "You can go."

The moment Lance stepped out of the office Gwen and Miles had ahold of his arms and we're dragging him down the hallway.

"Why am I being kidnapped?"

"Cause we want to know what happened." Gwen explained almost excitedly.

"Yeah, Gordon left the office looking like a kicked puppy."

"We don't kick puppies." Gwen grumbled.

"You know what I mean."

"That's probably because I took the blame." Lance shrugged as he adjusted his bag.

"You did what?" Gwen and Miles demanded eyes wide.

"Look, if he enjoys getting into trouble I bet it's for a reason." Lance explained pushing his hands into his pockets. "So I thought I'd take the blame and see where that put him."

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