The Kid

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"Hey kiddo!" Tony's voice called through. "You free for a bit?"

Lance stopped spinning his Bayard as he sat up on his bed. "Yeah, what's going on?"

"Got some people I want you to meet." Tony replied.

Lance frowned slightly as he grabbed his jacket before heading out his room.

Blue was at his heels keeping pace with him.

When Lance arrived in the lounge area there was two people with Tony. They both smiled warmly at him, the man offering a slight wave.

"Lance, this is Pepper, the most amazing woman in my life, and this is Rhodey the best friend I could ever ask for."

"Nice to meet you guys." Lance smiled pushing his hands into his pockets. "I'm Lance, a paladin from another universe."

"I hope that you've settled here well." Pepper smiled as she stepped forwards. "I've lived with Tony I know how it can be sometimes."


Lance chuckled. "It's been fine, and yeah Tony can be a bit..."

"Kid!" Tony cried.

Pepper smiled brightly as Rhodey laughed.

"Come on Tones, the kid has spent time with you, of course he's gonna be a bit sarcastic."

Tony rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. "I was thinking we could go out somewhere and do something."

Lance nodded. "I'd like that."

Blue growled pawing at his leg.

"Aw, who's this?" Pepper asked kneeling down to stroke Blue's head.

"This is Blue." Lance smiled. "She's my best friend."

Blue let out a soft pur leaning into Pepper's touch.

"Careful Pep, she's more than meets the eyes." Tony warned.

"Aren't all women?" Pepper asked clearly unphased.

"Ha, the lions would love you." Lance grinned. "Any excuse to be dangerous and cool at the same time."

"Lions?" Rhodey frowned as Pepper stood up again.

"Wait you said paladin." Pepper said suddenly. "You're the Blue paladin?"

Lance nodded. "And this is Blue."

Blue roared as she shifted into her glowing lioness form.

Pepper and Rhodey both flinched back.

"Hey Blue." Lance said tapping her nose. "We don't need to scare everyone."

Blue let out a small grumble.

"Yeah I know, but showing off isn't going to get us anywhere." Lance reminded, shaking his head. "Where are we going?"

"I was thinking we could try the Shawarma place again." Tony smirked.

"Or we can go somewhere more upmarket." Pepper suggested. "Away from prying eyes."

Tony frowned but then conceded. "That's probably a good idea."

"I'm guessing Blue can't come." Lance said looking between the adults.

"Not unless she can go invisible."

Blue lifted her head to meet Lance's gaze.

"Well? Can you?"

Blue growled.

"Yeah I know Green can, I'm asking if you can." Lance said throwing his arms wide.

Blue huffed sitting down.

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