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"The Galran's are a species of alien that are strong fighters.

They are all trained from a young age to battle in complex ways.

They fight for everything. Position, power and fear.

They are clever, strategies are taught again at a young age so they know many different forms of combat.

They're marked into tiers, the higher ranking commanders and generals lead others to battle, they cannot be reasoned with."

Lance glanced at the Avengers that we're waiting for this to begin.

Thor, Hulk, Natasha, Gwen, Clint, Steve, Miles, Tony and Flash.

Pepper and Rhodey had come for the afternoon. Lance did feel bad about kinda ruining Tony's plans for dinner but there was nothing he could do right now.

"They also have things they call sentry's." Lance smirked. "And Jarvis is going to help me out a little here."

The LMD's stepped forward shifting into what almost looked exactly a sentry.

Lance smiled. "Let's begin."

The sentries came to life, hundreds of them pouring into the room in different formations.

Lance activated his jetpack and landed on the area just above the Avengers.

Tony joined him. "Okay, what's their weaknesses?"

"Chest or head." Lance answered as his Bayard came to his hand. "But to stop them all you have to figure out which one is relaying the orders."

"I can start a scan." Tony decided as a blast narrowly missed him.

Steve's shield came flying past blocking a shot aimed for Lance before taking out three sentries.

Natasha and Clint were back to back keeping themselves safe while also helping Tony and Steve.

Thor and Hulk seemed to be having a competition.

Tony blasted away to scan the sentries.

Lance smirked. "Hey Jarvis, pour it on."

"As you wish Lance." Jarvis replied.

"Don't hold back on them Lance." Rhodey encouraged over his com. "They can handle it."

"I know they can." Lance nodded.

He watched with almost critical eyes as he waited for the avengers to complete this mission.

Then a blast hit Thor in the back, he stumbled forward before turning and throwing mjlonir with such anger and speed that it nearly hit Steve.

"Tony, which one is in charge?" Natasha snapped vaulting over a sentry so she could taser it.

"I'm working on it." Tony replied.

The sentries were adapting, changing their methods and formations with every second more the avengers let this go on for.

For a terrifying and startling moment Lance realised that he couldn't just sit and watch. This was his battle.

It had always been his.

From the first second he connected with Blue to the very present.

He had no right to bow out of this fight. Not now not ever.

So he jumped.

His jetpack activated carrying him across the room.

"Hold your ground. Help is coming."

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