Night falls

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"I heard the alarm." Lance explained as he arrived in the lab. "Everything okay?"

"No, we've got HYDRA to deal with." Tony grumbled. "Alright Avengers let's go pay their leaders a visit."

"How can I help?" Lance asked stepping forward.

"No, it's a school night." Natasha said shaking her head.

"A school night? Seriously?" Lance asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, and I know you have homework due tomorrow." Tony added tinkering with his armour.


"No buts." Bruce said firmly. "You've missed enough school."

Lance pouted slightly and shot a look at Steve.

"I'm not helping you." Steve smiled crossing his arms.

"Aye, an education is not something to be wasted." Thor said patting Lance's shoulder. "There will be many more valiant battles for you to partake in."

"Alright fine." Lance groaned throwing his arms wide. "But call me if you guys need a pick up, I'm happy to come and get you."

"We know, but homework is important." Tony smirked. "Go."

Lance was shooed out of the lab and back to his room where he grabbed his headphones and decided he should just attack his homework while he was awake enough to do so.

It wasn't difficult, some of it he had covered before he went to space but he enjoyed the recap.

As he worked it was almost as if he could hear Hunk and Pidge arguing over things he didn't understand.

A small sad smile came to his face as he scratched the back of his head.

The memories he had of them now didn't ache as badly as they had before. He was getting a bit better.

A breeze drifted through the room and Lance turned to see the window was open, he hadn't opened it.

He pulled his headphones off with a frown. "JARVIS?" He asked outloud. "Hey JARVIS did you get the window?"


Lance slowly got to his feet and crossed the room to close the window, that was odd.

He turned back towards his desk only for something to hit his chest. Pain sparked through him and he fell to his knees with a gasp.

Then he fell limp on the floor his headphones scattering away still playing music softly.

A strong hand rolled him onto his back pulling the taser disc off him. He examined the unconscious boy, his young face and lanky limbs.

He was unarmed and didn't seem dangerous but he knew not to underestimate the targets.

If he was here then he could become a threat at any moment.

He hauled him onto his shoulder, he was slightly surprised, seeing as the boy was so light, but he didn't dwell on it.

Instead he made his way swiftly through the building reactivating the towers defenses once he was driving away with the kid strapped in next to him with his hands tied too.

The boy flinched awake sooner then he anticipated. With a groan his eyes opened slowly and he blinked languidly.

He looked disorientated which was to be expected. He didn't worry about it.

Then he started struggling.

With a sigh he pulled over killing the lights.

"Whoa! Hey no, no I do not do kidnapping." The boy said sharply. "This will not end well."

"Quiet." He warned.

The boy's sharp eyes turned on him, ice blue in their colour.

"Who are you? What's going on?" He asked voice high and sharp, clearly scared.

With a flick of his wrist a knife was pressing against the boys throat. "I said quiet."

The boys jaw clicked shut as his whole body went instantly still. Good.

He started the engine and began driving heading along the quiet streets.

It was nearly an hour later when he stopped again, getting out to walk the rest of the way.

"Where are we going?" The boy asked meeting his gaze.

He didn't answer. All he knew was that the kid was to be delivered here and then he would get new orders.

The second the kid was out of the car however he received a kick to his stomach and a weapon formed in the boys hands as he stared him down.

"I warned you." He whispered voice shaking slightly. "Let me walk away."

"My mission was to deliver you here." He growled pulling a knife out. "They didn't say anything about injuries."

An almost silent whimper escaped the boy.

He launched, the kid fired a shot from his gun but he deflected it away with his arm.

The kid was then pinned the air being forced out of him.

"Hey!" He complained as the knife pressed against his throat again.

"Are we going to have anymore problems?"

"I don't want to be kidnapped." The boy whispered. "Please."

"He won't help you." A new voice commented as they walked towards them. "He is under my control."

"You mean like brainwashed?" The boy asked as he was hauled to his feet and forced forward. "Not cool man, not cool."

"Well done. You have completed your task, Winter Soldier."

"You're the Winter Soldier?!"

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