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The door ahead of them creaked open and Lance blasted his way in with no hesitation.

He made quick work of the robots that were attempting to march into the room.

Within seconds they were all down and the room was silent.

"Hey kid, what's the energy settings on your blaster?" Tony asked as he jettisoned over to be next to him.

"Can I get a helmet on Clint before we figure that out?" Lance asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Your blasts seem to be the most effective." Clint shrugged as he accepted the helmet Lance offered. "What's the energy?"

"Altean." Lance explained as he powered it up. "Can you imitate it?"

"Of course." Tony grinned. "Everyone safe and ready to turn this mission around?"

"Alright boys, we've got multiple robots, incoming." Natasha explained sounding bored. "When am I gonna get back up?"

"Hulk can handle them."

"Not alone." Steve frowned. "We need to maintain whatever is left of this ship."

"Aye, being sent out into space will help none of us." Thor agreed.

"How do you guys feel about the cold?" Lance asked as he glanced at the cracking glass.

"We're not really bothered by it. Why?" Tony asked.

"I'll be back." Lance grinned. "You guys handle those robots."

He felt a thrill of excitement churn through him. He felt like he was back to his normal self for once.

Sure the mission was only just outside of earth's atmosphere but there was no gravity and the weightlessness felt right.

He felt at ease.

Like everything that had happened was just some bad nightmare. Maybe it was.

Maybe his head was messed up and this was some crazy dream of his own making.

Who knew.

But right now he had a mission.

"Alright Blue." Lance said as he drifted on board with the use of his jet pack. "Time to show 'em what you got."

Pulling back on the controls Lance drew Blue away from the ship then returned as her mouth glowed with sparking energy.

"Let's do this." He whispered.

Twisting the controls he fired a blast and shot past the ship. The ice hit dead center then spread all around.

Lance smirked.

"Okay, so this is working." Tony said sounding surprised.

"You hear that Blue?" Lance asked with a smirk. "If you guys can corner yourselves in the strongest section I might be able to get that ship into Blue's cargo hold."

"Alright, Thor with me." Tony decided. "Well cut and seperate half the ship. Everyone else, deal with those robots."

"I'll hold onto one for you Stark, then you can poke it later." Clint said casually.

Lance smiled.

"You know me too well Hawkeye."

He couldn't lie, he loved listening to the Avengers chatter and communicate, it reminded him so much of the others.

Of his friends.

His family.

Shaking that thought away he grabbed ahold of the controls again. "Say when." He said slowly moving into position.

Pidge had made him do several emergency evacuations when they were on a waterlogged planet.

It had all been fairly easy until the Galra showed up. But the Galra couldn't reach him now, not here and he really needed to focus.

"Steady, Lance! Don't make any sudden moves."

"Alright kiddo, we're ready."

Lance smiled to himself and pushed his lion forwards, the cargo hold opened to accommodate the ship before sealing leaving the debris to float away.

"Looks like we're done for now." Steve explained as he entered the cockpit. "How you feeling kiddo?"

"Fine, this has been fun." Lance smirked.

"What were you thinking, following us to space?" Natasha asked eyes narrowing.

Lance sighed looking at his feet. "I know space better than you guys."

"Yes," Thor frowned, "but it's dangerous."

"I'd rather be in a place where maybe I can change the outcome, than sit at home staring at the phone waiting to hear Fury call to say you're all gone." Lance admitted as he stood up. "I don't want to lose anyone else."

The cockpit was quiet for a moment and Lance hated it. He wished he could take his comment home.

A hand landed on his shoulder and offered a squeeze. "Thank you for coming for us." Tony said and Lance could hear the smile before he saw it.

"You're the bravest kid I know." He added almost fondly. "Just promise us you'll always come back to, okay?"

Lance felt a smile slowly growing on his face. "Yeah, I promise."

"Good, now let's get home and get some pizza." Clint cheered from the back making Lance chuckle.

"Pizza sounds good."

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