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Lance paced the living room nervously as he picked at a loose piece of skin by his nail on his pointer finger of his right hand.

He was anxious.

The Avengers had been called out on a mission a few hours ago, but they hadn't come back.

"Jarvis?" He asked as he paused his pacing to sit on the sofa.

"Yes master McClain?"

"Just Lance please," he whispered, "can you call Fury?"

"Shall I say that it is you calling?"

"Yes please." Lance nodded.

A screen loaded next to him and Lance watched it, held his breath for a while.

Then a woman appeared on it. The woman who was there when he answered those questions for Fury.

"Lance." She nodded. "My name is agent Hill, Director Fury is currently busy. How can I help?"

"The Avengers," Lance said awkwardly, "where are they?"

"On a mission." Hill frowned.

"I know." Lance paused running a hand through his hair as he looked away.

"What's going on?" Hill asked softly.

"I've never really been left on my own before." Lance admitted. "I... I'm scared."

"Lance." Hill said making Lance look up. She sighed her shoulders dropping. "We lost contact with them, that is why Director Fury isn't here. Do you have a way of finding them?"

Lance frowned. "Not really."

Hill looked away and Lance could see the pinch in her eyes. She was scared too.

"Do you know where they were going?" Lance asked hopefully.

Hill nodded. "Siberia."

"What for? Am I allowed to know?"

"An Avengers mission." Hill said shaking her head. "They were going to stop a uranium mine collapse."

"That would be bad?" Lance frowned.

"Yes, do you not know the effects of uranium?"

Lance shook his head. "Uranium is a stable matter where I'm from."

"Incredible." Hill smiled. "Anyway, they went to this mine here."

Another screen popped up and Lance jumped slightly as he stared at it.

"If you head out there you need to be careful." She warned. "We don't know what might have caused the collapse."

Lance traced the line on the map. "Okay. Can I go?"

Hill smiled slightly. "Bring them back safe, and call us if you need help."

Lance nodded firmly. "I'll keep you guys updated on it all."

"Please do." Hill nodded. "Go."

Lance didn't need to be told twice.

He grabbed his helmet from the lab and made his way to the elevator, once he arrived in the warehouse he stopped to meet Blue's gaze.

"Sorry I blocked you out there." He whispered. "I was just... I'm sorry that I keep bothering you and I guess I'm just trying to get stronger."

But I want to help you, my paladin.

"It's not really fair on you though." Lance pointed out.

You are my cub, now and forever, please let me be there for you.

Lance gave a faint nod as Blue leaned down for him. "Okay."

He boarded and then headed towards the location that agent Hill had given him.

He was there in minutes which was normal for Blue but it didn't give Lance much time to plan what he was going to do.

He landed near the building and then got out and headed there. He opened up the coms only to get static.

"Oh." He whispered as he paused. He wasn't on the right frequency to call SHIELD.

Shaking his worry away he moved forwards into the building.

The stats came up on his bracer, there was a lot of harmful radiation in the air and Lance knew that removing his helmet or any part of his armour right now would be extremely dangerous.

He lifted his Bayard when something ground heavily in the far corner.

He walked slowly towards it only to find and old piece of machinery rolling.

Lance frowned. That was strange.

His eyes flickered around, he went to take a step forward when something hit the back of his head.

He blinked awake sluggishly, realising slowly that he was being dragged along.

He rolled his head back to see a man in heavy looking armour, it wasn't Tony's armour, not as well built.

A door opened and he was tossed inside. He struggled to get his arms under him when the room he was in suddenly dropped.

It occurred to him as he was falling that it was in fact a lift.

When it came to a stop it slid open and Lance managed to find his feet.

He stumbled out to find he was in a room, fairly big with no other route of escape.


Lance turned, swaying with the speed to see a blurry Clint approaching.

He was wearing a black suit of armour which seemed less bulky then Tony's, just a flight suit really with a clear glass panel in front of his face.


When Clint was within reaching distance Lance latched onto him with a tight hug.

"Hey." Clint said gently. "You okay?"

"I was worried about you guys." Lance mumbled. "I was scared you weren't coming back."

Clint sighed softly rubbing Lance's back. "Of course we were coming back, we're the Avengers."

"Lance?" Natasha asked as Clint pulled away. "Are you hurt?"

Lance frowned. "I got hit pretty hard around the head but I'm okay."

Tony was there using his gauntlet to scan him. "He's alright, or at least that's what my readings show."

"Did you come on your own?" Steve asked with a frown.

Lance nodded. "Yeah, I was going to be talking to agent Hill the whole time but," he tapped the side of his helmet, "I'm not on the SHIELD frequency or whatever."

"I'll get you hooked up on that." Tony promised.

"Little blue stuck too." Hulk grumbled.

"Aye, your rescue has rather gone askew." Thor said as he placed his hand on Lance's shoulder. "But we are glad to see you."

"Can't you fly up the lift shaft?" Lance asked looking at Thor then Tony.

"He's set up lazers." Tony grumbled. "He's not playing fair."

"Who is he?"

"The Crimson Dynamo."

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