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"That's Voltron." Thor breathed in awe. "What a mighty creature."

"How is this possible?" Tony asked quietly. "The kids up there."

"He could control the Blue lion without having her right next to him." Clint reminded.

"Yeah, but that's one lion."

"Well, we all know the kid is awesome." Clint gave a faint chuckle. "Come on, we're not out of this yet."


Steve caught ahold of Lance's hand.

He was shaking, his face scrunched up in pain. He didn't know if he had been shot, or hit or what.

Natasha was fending off the Galran's. Kolivan and Krolia were helping, their battle tactics were new to Steve but he would adjust, as soon as he knew that Lance was okay.

"The helicarrier -"

Lance gasped eyes snapping open. Steve had to fight not to flinch.

Lance's eyes were glowing yellow, like the Galran's around them. Then he was screaming.

High and sharp.

The grip he had on Steve's hand increased to the point where Steve actually winced.

"Lance!" He called over the boys scream, he had to help him.

"Steve, look!" Natasha snapped sharply lifting her Avengers card to show a giant robot holding the helicarrier up.

"Voltron." Steve realised.

The robot lifted the helicarrier higher, taking it away from the city then pushed it towards the water.

Lance's grip lessened his head lulled to the side as his eyes fell closed.

Natasha was quickly checking him over.

"Alright I'm coming to you guys." Tony informed. "The helicarrier is safely down and the lions are disbanding. Thanks kiddo."

"He's unconscious." Natasha informed cupping Lance's face. "How did he do that? He wasn't even piloting them? He was here with us?"

"What happened to the paladin?" Krolia demanded ducking next to them.

"We don't know."

"We need to get him out of here." Steve decided gently rubbing Lance's hand.

"He needs a healing pod." Krolia explained with narrowed eyes. "I am surprised he maintained consciousness for that long."

"Let's get going then." Natasha nodded.

"You're not going anywhere."


Lance woke up with his head reeling.

Man he has such a headache!


Why couldn't he remember?

"Blue?" He whispered but got nothing in reply.

Where was she?

"Blue please?"

Slowly he sat himself up trying to force his mind to remember, he couldn't remember much after deciding to save the helicarrier.

He didn't even know if it had worked and now he couldn't reach Blue.

His eyes danced across the purple lines along the sides of the dark room.

He was in a cell.

"Great." He sighed shakily, dropped his head against the wall and hugged his knees to his chest. "This is going great."

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