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Lance leaned back against the wall providing him cover as he spun his dual band blasters on his fingers. One yellow one blue.

This Ultron guy was really getting on his nerves.

He turned and opened fire knocking the main Ultron bot, drawing his attention.

He landed in front of him and glared.

"And what exactly are you?" He growled red eyes boring into Lance.

"I'm a Paladin." Lance replied as his blaster became a sword blocking Ultron's giant metal arm.

"I don't know who you are." Ultron said tilting his head, his eyes were scanning Lance like he was a book. "Why can't I find you?"

Lance twisted his body moving around Ultron so he could get behind him before he slashed his sword through Ultron's middle.

Another robot came and threw him into a wall.

"Urgh." Lance complained as the robot pinned him there.

"You cannot escape me, not here or in your mind." It growled eyes glowing brightly.

Lance flinched. He was suddenly in Blues mind. He had been there before, a couple of times when he was really upset she would just wrap him in her consciousness.

But right now, it was cold and harsh.

"What have you done to Blue?!" Lance demanded as his Bayard came to his hand.

"Your mind protects hers from my control." Ultron smiled as he lifted Blue, her glowing fur slightly dimmer now.

"Let her go." Lance growled and he felt the heat of his anger flicker in Blues emotions.

"What makes you think you'll win?"

"I'm not alone." Lance reminded a small smile coming to his face as he felt the other lions consciousness join his.

Lance charged feeling the energy of all the lions with him.

He attacked slicing Ultron's arm off, he dropped Blue and Lance lifted his shield to block a punch aimed at him.

"Red and Black." He ordered pushing his ideas out into their minds.

They attacked from either side making Ultron retreat.

"If you mess with one of us you get the pack." Lance stated rising to his full height. "Now get OUT!"

Lance gasped collapsing to the floor, he was in Sokovia again.

The Ultron bot in front of him was writhing on the floor its eyes flashing different colours before it fell completely still.

Lance sighed.

Thank you my paladin, you saved my mind.

"No problem girl." He smiled fondly. "I got your back, and I know you've got mine."

Another robot landed in front of Lance and to be honest he wasn't in the mood.

"Can I get a minute?" Lance asked with a groan.

"If you think I will take it easy on you, yo-

Gold and red hands rested on Ultron's temples and Ultron roared as he was crushed by a red glowing power and Lance's eyes snapped to the girl and weird robot man who had been in the church.

"Are you alright? Lance?" The robot asked tilting his head, the gem in his forehead glinting gold.

Lance nodded. "Yeah, I'm good, nothing new really. Who are you?"

"I am Vision." He said calmly extending his hand which Lance happily shook.

"Thanks for the save," Lance said before shooting a glance to the girl, "and you are?"

"Wanda." She replied eyes flickering, she then flinched lifting her hand stopping a blast from hitting Lance's head.

He stared at it for a second then looked towards Wanda as it vanished.

She gave a faint smile. "You're welcome."

Lance's Bayard formed as a blaster and the shot flew past Wanda barely missing her to hit one of the Ultron bots right behind her.

"Now we're even." Lance smirked. "How many of these are there?"

"Well he keeps rebuilding." Wanda frowned.

"Yes, but I have severed his connection to the world." Vision explained landing between them. "Now we just need to destroy all of these."

"Okay that's helpfu-"

The ground gave a shudder causing Lance to sink to one knee pressing his hand against the trembling rock. "Blue, hold it together!"

"What's going on?!" Pietro shouted loudly.

"How many people are left on this rock?" Lance asked as the red lion hovered before him.

"About 45." Natasha replied.

"I'm gonna pick them up." Lance explained as he rushed into Red. "The power of the thing just went up, if we get much higher-"

"We know kid, dooms day." Clint said sounding beyond exhausted, but then again they all looked so tired when he arrived.

Lance shook his head as he took the controls. He pushed the red lion towards the edge of the city where Rhodey was covering the heli-carrier as it tried to get close.

He hovered Red and then came down the ramp. "Alright, everyone on."

A blast came from nowhere, hitting just next to Lance.

"Red once they're all on get them out of here." He instructed before his jetpack launched allowing him to block several shots with his shield.

The second all the people were on Red closed her jaw then flew towards the heli-carrier.

Lance looked around him, they were still going up.


Lance's gaze shot up towards the sky.

"Guys I have a plan."

"So do we." Steve said with a growl before something exploded. "We've almost got all of the robots."

"I meant with the rock." Lance explained shaking his head as he ran. "If Ultron wants a good view of earth he had better get ready for it."

"What are you planning?" Tony asked as he flew past.

"Does anyone here want to go to space?" Lance asked as he slipped down a large slab of concrete to find Hulk and Thor still guarding the church.

"Space? How does that help us young friend?" Thor asked spinning his hammer around.

"I can push this place up, use the momentum, then deal with the rocks in space." Lance shrugged.

"Space?" Pietro said as he arrived. "Your plan is space?"

"I'm used to space." Lance replied shaking his head. "You can trust me."

"We do trust you Lance." Clint assured. "But not all of us are so keen on space."

Lance looked around. "Thor you can breathe in space right?"


"I can too, I do not require breath." Vision added over the coms.

"So you guys take down Ultron, I'll deal with the rock, everyone else, off." Lance ordered, as his helmet locked.

"Who put you in charge?" Wanda asked with an almost growl.

"If Lance says it will work then it will work." Natasha said firmly. "I say we go with it."

Lance shot her a small smile as a thanks then he headed towards where Black was waiting.

"Time to end this." He said quietly to her. "He messed with our family, so he's going to pay."

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