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"I'm going to need your help." Lance explained as he turned to Axca. "We're going back to our universe."

Axca shook her head slightly. "There is nothing left."

"I don't believe that." Lance stated quietly. "Not after everything that's happened. Haggar has messed with both our minds too much for us to understand. So please... Help me fix this, even just a little?"

Axca lifted her gaze. "You're right, Haggar messed with us both. But what if this is what she wants?"

"She won't see Voltron coming." Lance offered. "We have to try, please Axca?"

The galran-hybrid took a deep breath. "For those I've lost." She nodded. "I will help you."

Kolivan sent a nod to Lance and together the four of them stood their ground.

They had to be in the right place at the right time. And here he was... Hesitating.

"Guys!" Lance called out over the coms as he kept fighting.

"You okay?" Tony asked immediately.

"I'm sorry I'm not saying this in person to you all. But I'm leaving." Lance replied. "I have to go back, I know I do, but-"

"Why so soon?" Thor asked. "We will not be able to give you a proper goodbye."

"I know." Lance whispered, he felt a dull ache at the back of his throat. "I owe you guys so much and you deserve so much better."

"You don't owe us anything." Natasha assured. "Lance you've made us better people, you've turned us into a real family."

"I'm gonna miss you." Lance admitted as the control room fell silent. "I really am."

"Gonna miss Blue." Hulk grumbled.

Lance gave a weak laugh, he felt so torn all of a sudden.

"Do not be afraid young one, you are by far one of the mightiest warriors I have met and you are capable of more than you know." Thor sounded so confident. "We shall never forget you."

"I won't forget you guys, I promise." Lance assured.

"We're going to miss you Lance." Steve said gently. "Don't get into too much trouble."

"I don't want you to go, but I know you need to." Bucky added. "Go do what you've gotta do."

"I will."

"Okay boys, don't make it more difficult for him." Natasha cut in and Lance could imagine her smile.

"Don't forget." She continued. "You're going to be alright."

"Of course he's going to be alright." Clint jumped in. "He's the most awesome kid I know."

"Lance." Axca said placing her hand on his arm. "It's time."

"Okay." Lance nodded. "Jaw blades."

He felt the lions move just outside of the ship. They cut through the hull seperating it in two.

"Kiddo." Tony said his words breaking up as they began to go through the wormhole. "Be careful out there. Do your thing."

Lance let a faint smile form, he knew he was crying but he didn't care. "Thank you, for everything."

"Go rock that other universe." Tony encouraged. "We'll see each other again. I know we will."

"Yeah, I know it too."

Then in a flash they were gone.


"Avengers to Lance, over?" Clint asked as he pressed his com. "Lance, come in?"


Tony and Thor had gone to rescue Natasha and Steve from their half of the falling cruiser.

Dr strange had teleported them free of the wreckage and Hulk had made sure none of the larger bits of debris landed on the ground.

"Do we take that as it worked or..." Bucky frowned glancing around.

Tony and Thor had landed on the helicarrier with Steve and Natasha, Hulk arrived a moment or so later.

"I don't think we'll ever know." Natasha admitted softly.

"He's a smart kid." Steve said quietly. "They've made it."

Bucky lowered his head. "My head's really fuzzy. Steve I ... I..."


Emerging from the wormhole made Lance feel unexpectedly dizzy.

Then the crash.

It jolted through him with such force that he collapsed, in fact nearly everything collapsed upon impact.

Their half of the ship crashed heavily into the ground of a planet.

It seemed to take an age before everything calmed down. Even then, Lance didn't want to move.

"Where are we?" Lance winced sharply. It hurt to breathe.

Half of the cruiser had been ripped open revealing blue skies and towering alien trees.

Then like a swarm of insects, a hazy cloud l appeared above him. there was so many Galran's fighters.

"It's a patrol." Axca realised as she helped Lance up. "We need to hide."

Lance felt his heart spasm in his chest. "We're back." He realised distantly.

"And I told you it wouldn't be like you remembered." Axca frowned. "It's not good here. We need to leave."

"Right." Lance nodded. "Okay, where's Kolivan and Krolia?"

Together the four of them moved in to the shelter of the trees as they watched the Galran's survey the damage.

"We need to get off this planet." Kolivan grumbled. "Then we can contact our people."

"And the rebels, they'll be extatic to know that Lance is here." Krolia reminded.

Lance's gaze however was locked up at the sky. "We need to get on that ship."

Axca followed his gaze. "Are you mad?!" She hissed. "We will die, that's Haggar's ship."

Kolivan frowned. "She makes a good point."

"Yeah well, I've got a bone to pick with Haggar." Lance readied himself as his Bayard came to his hand. This was his fight and he was on his own again. He had to do this and he had to get it right.

"Lance." Krolia said softly as she placed her hand on his arm. "You're not ready to battle Haggar, none of us are."

"You'll get yourself killed and you're too important for that right now."

Lance let out a heavy sigh and closed his eyes, he just wanted to fix things. Reverse what he could if it was possible.

"Okay." He sighed. "Let's find your team."

Sneaking away in the green lion made Lance feel like a coward.

None of that paladin, you will have your chance soon enough. Red promised.

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