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The Galran cruiser might be down but Haggar had launched a giant machine up into the air.

Lance could hear the others but he wasn't responding, he wasn't in the mood to deal with them right now.

He felt as alive as ever and he didn't need their nagging right now. They could lecture him later when the world wasn't in danger.

The problem was that the machine Haggar was clearly proud of was huge.

Probably the size of Voltron.

Which made the lions growl in the back of his head.

He knew what was coming.

"Can anyone see Haggar?" Lance asked opening his com.

"No, but her energy is coming from that laser thing. I'm assuming she is there." Pidge answered. "Where are you?"

Lance opened his mouth but quickly closed it. "How mad are you guys gonna be?"

"Depends on where you are." Keith grumbled.

"We can help you Lance." Coran reminded gently.

"Yeah I know." Lance sighed. "But I know what I've gotta do."

"Lance, don't even think about it." Hunk warned.

"It's our only option." Lance whispered. He hated this whole situation but right now he didn't have a choice. "Just... Promise me you'll have my back?"

"Lance don't-"

The lions roared in unison and Lance closed his eyes letting his mind meld with them. He was engulfed in their energy as if he was piloting them physically.


Voltron launched into the sky drawing a sword before disappearing into the thick gloom above.

Hunk growled at the sight of it. Lance had been told the consequences of him pushing himself too far but he wasn't listening.

Why didn't he care?

"They've launched millions of these things!" Tony warned over the coms. "They're trying to take the city."

"It is just a distraction. Keep trying to find Haggar or Sendak." Shiro instructed.

"The Dora Milaje cannot handle this attack alone." Shuri explained sounding anxious. "Brother? What do we do?"

"Avengers, protect Wakanda." Steve decided. "Team Voltron, you know these guys, you push forward, if you need any extra help we'll be there."

"I see Sendak." Keith snarled.

"Engage, but stay on the coms." Shiro decided sending a nod to Steve before he ran toward the battle field. His metal arm lit up purple as he dove into the fight.

The flash of green from Pidge's Bayard sliced cleaning through a row of Galran sentries and tugged a few of their broken metal bodies back to smash into more.

Hunk plowed through the sentries creating a clearing allowing Keith to meet Sendak head on.

There was another explosion from above. The heat of it evaporated the clouds slightly to reveal a massive falling structure.

Haggar's Planet Killer.

Lance had bought it down on his own.

"Lance? Lance?!" Shiro called. "Lance where are you?"


Lance dragged himself out from the wreckage of the Planet Killer that had nearly crushed him.

The green lion had saved him, scurrying through the cracks to find him and secure him a way out.

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