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"There you are." Gwen smiled. "Miles thought you were lost."

"I was." Lance admitted as he fell into the free seat at their small table.

"Sorry, I should have come back for you." Miles said with a frown. "So how has your day been so far?"

Lance shrugged. "It's been okay, I guess." 

"I hear you guys did good in your P.E lesson." Gwen smirked.

"Yeah, you were really good." Miles nodded.

"And you're stronger then you look." Lance shot back. "If I hadn't of caught the ball I think you would have broken my face."

Lance expected a joke or a laugh, instead the two looked at eachother then back at Lance.

"Ha, good one." Gwen said awkwardly.

Lance sank in his chair slightly as he examined the pizza in front of him.

"So, has Miles mentioned the Avengers much to you?" Gwen asked tilting her head.

Lance lifted his gaze. "Yeah, just a bit."

"Not a fan?"

"No, I think they're great." Lance smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean I don't know everything about them, not like you guys probably do."

"Gwen knows more then me." Miles admitted. "Who's your favourite?"

Lance blinked. "Ummm..."

He didn't have a favourite, he didn't.

He couldn't pick.

Thor gave the best hugs ever.

Clint made the best food and the best for a prank war teammate.

Natasha had the best smiles.

Bruce and Hulk both seemed to love ruffling his hair.

Steve had the best jumpers which he always seemed to offer Lance randomly.

Tony was like another dad always doing above and beyond to help him.

He couldn't pick.

He wouldn't.

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"Mine is Tony Stark." Miles smiled. "I mean he's so clever and intuitive in battle. Also he's always upgrading the Avengers gear to keep them safe in battle."

"My favourite is Black Widow." Gwen said as she pushed her empty plate away.

"Why?" Lance asked leaning forwards.

"I do ballet like she did, the way she fights is so elegant and powerful." Gwen shrugged. "I would love to meet her."

An idea flashed into Lance's mind but he quickly pushed it away. He had only known these people for a day he couldn't just tell them something he had promised to keep quiet for everyones safety.

"So um..." Lance cleared his throat. "What do you guys do for fun?"



Lance frowned.


"I'm told I need a hobby." Lance sighed running a hand through his hair.

"Why? Have you been annoying your parents?" Gwen asked.

Lance looked away. "Not parents. Adopted parent, yes."

Lance noticed the change in posture of both Gwen and Miles. He couldn't ignore the way they both looked at eachother and it hurt to admit that outloud.

"You're adopted?" Miles whispered.

Lance nodded. "Yeah um... Recently too."

"I'm so sorry. We didn't-"

"It's okay." Lance rushed to say. "It's just that I..." He smiled slightly. "I've never really admitted it outloud."

Gwen looked back at Miles before she spoke. "If you ever want to talk about it, we're here okay? We both have experienced loss and... Yeah." 

"You hardly even know me." Lance reminded dubiously.

"Well I know for a fact that you like the Avengers, you like cats and you're good at sport." Miles said listing them on his fingers.

"How do you know I like cats?" Lance frowned.

"You've been doodling them all day, check your science book."

Lance held Miles' eye as he pulled his gifted book from Tony out of his bag.

He flicked through the pages to find he had indeed doodled a lot of cats. Some curled up sleeping others were playing.

Lance smiled slightly. "I did not realise I was doing that."

"You're really good at drawing." Gwen smirked brightly. "Maybe you should look into the arts club."

Lance frowned slightly. "I have a feeling they would want me to draw more then just cats."

Miles sighed. "Hey Gwen, we need a game plan for Gordon and his troops."

"Just don't let him get to you, he'll move onto someone else eventually."

"I don't want him to move onto someone else, I don't want others to get hurt."

"He won't actually hurt anyone."

"You sure about that? If Lance hadn't caught that punch this morning he would -to quote Lance- have broken my face."

"You're being dramatic."

Lance shook his head focusing on his page, he gently traced the curled up drawing of Blue. He knew it was Blue from the small tuff of hair on the top of her head.

The others didn't quite have defined features yet. That reminded him he needed to think about what he was going to-

His chair tipped suddenly backwards.

Gwen and Miles both caught ahold of him but Lance was focused on his notebook which was in Gordon's hand.

"Hi beanpole." He smirked.

Lance frowned. "Give it back Gordon."

"Oh, this thing?" Gordon said in false innocent.

"It was a gift." Lance said as he got up turning fully to face him.

"You gonna fight me for it?"

"I'd rather not."

"I'd rather not." Gordon mimicked. "You're such a whimp."

Lance took a step forwards but Gwen was there between them both her eyes harsh as they met Gordon's.

"Gordon, give it back."

Gordon huffed and tossed it on the floor. "Get it yourself McClain."

Lance growled under his breath as he watched Gordon walk away.

"You okay?" Gwen asked as she turned back to Lance.

"Yeah." Lance nodded. "I'm not a whimp."

"You shouldn't listen to him." Gwen said gently. "He's an idiot."

"Yeah and he just says the first thing that comes to his mind." Miles said as he handed over Lance's notebook. "Come on, let's go on a walk."

"Yeah, that's an idea." Lance nodded as he picked up his bag and pizza. "Let's go."

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