Hang in there

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"Settled yet?" Steve asked with a smile as he and Bucky moved through the tower.

Bucky had been there for a week now, Tony had been on the phone to many people about removing the trigger words from Bucky's mind.

They were getting there slowly and Steve felt a sort of calm settle over their team.

Natasha had calmed down and Clint seemed chilled out too. He had invited Bucky to several sparring matches so Steve viewed that as a win.

Tony was still a bit distant, but with the damage to his arc reactor no one was really surprised by the excessive amount of time he spent in the workshop.

Thor and Bruce didn't seem to mind at all and Lance evidently loved it. He seemed to have that spark back.

It was nice to see it.

"Not really." Bucky admitted scratching the back of his head. "I mean Blue is a good sleeping companion."

Steve tilted his head. "She is?"

"Yeah, really calming. I think I should get a cat." Bucky smiled scratching Blue's head.

"What would you call it?" Steve asked glad that Bucky had something to talk about.

"Alpine, I just love the sound of it." He said quietly.

"Maybe we should go and pick one out." Steve offered.

"Once my head's fixed." Bucky nodded. "That would be nice."

The lift opened and the two stepped out onto the training deck only to see Lance kick one of the punch bags powerfully.

It was clear he had been there a while, his chest was heaving and his face was lightly flushed, his hair was sticking up slightly probably from him running his hands through it.

He then pulled away from the punch bag hands on his hips as he tipped his head back to look at the ceiling.

The black lion was next to him her bright yellow eyes watching him closely, she grumbled softly.

"I know." Lance mumbled quietly. "I know and you're right."

"Hey Lance." Steve said making the boy flinch. "You okay?"

Lance's gaze snapped to them before he sighed heavily stepping further away from the punch bag. "Y-yeah."

"You sure?" Bucky said quietly.

Lance nodded tugging the straps off his hands. "Yeah, yeah, just um... I didn't sleep great and I um... I needed to move but I knew it was a bad idea to leave so I came here."

"Why didn't you wake someone?"

Lance shurgged. "I didn't really want to bother you guys."

"It wouldn't have been a bother." Steve said gently. "We know what it feels like."

Lance shrugged again.

"What was the nightmare?" Bucky asked tilting his head.

"Explosions." Lance mumbled scratching the back of his head. "Mostly near death experiences."

"That's not something to shrug about." Bucky frowned.

"If I don't dwell on it and I don't think about it, it won't get to me too bad." Lance said focusing on the far wall. "Or at least that's what I'm hoping for."

"Doesn't really work that way."

"Bucky." Steve said quietly.

"So um... I should get out of your way." Lance said as he turned to them fully.

The black lion nudged his leg.

"You're not in the way." Bucky frowned. "You're welcome to stay."

Lance pulled a face as he ruffled Black's fur. "Yeah, you see I'm a literal stick and you two are hyped up on super soldier serum."

"You're unconformable?" Bucky asked walking closer.

"No." Lance answered immediately. "My best friend was a hunk, I have no issue with body image. I just know I probably don't stand a chance against either of you."

"And that's where we disagree." Steve said shaking his head. "You're more then capable at what you do."

Lance made a small humming noise as he looked away, he was smiling at least. "Yeah, I'm the best human pilot."

"Natasha might argue with you on that." Bucky teased.

"Best astronaut then." Lance said proudly. "Anyway, I want breakfast and I should probably hit the showers."

"Probably." Steve smiled. "When you're done come find us."

"Why?" Lance frowned.

"Because I think you'll be safe enough going out and about with the two of us." Steve decided. "We can go get lunch."

Lance found an easy smile coming to his face. "I like the sound of that."

He then turned and headed out of the training deck back towards his room.

"You really think that's a good idea?" Bucky frowned.

Steve nodded. "I would prefer him to go out with us so we can keep him safe rather then him try and go out on his own."

"Good point." Bucky sighed. "He's a messed up kid huh?"

"Yeah, but he's strong." Steve smiled. "Come on, otherwise he'll be back before we've started."


"So where are we going?"  Lance asked shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Anywhere you want." Steve offered.

"Great, we're gonna be choosing all day. Let's go." Lance said grabbing Bucky's arm and dragging him along.

Steve chuckled loudly. He liked this, not worrying about danger or missions. Just being with friends and family.

Family was more suited.

"Look at that!" Lance gasped pointing at something in a shop window.

Bucky seemed just as confused as Lance and Steve found himself leaning over Lance's shoulder to see what he was looking at.

"You don't know what a pocket watch is?" Steve asked with a chuckle.

"They still sell them?" Bucky asked.

Lance was basically pressed against the glass watching it in amazement. "Pocket watch? Why would you have one? Do some people not carry phones? Why don't they have watches?"

Steve shared a glance with Bucky who stepped around Steve and disappeared into the shop.

"They're vintage, people used to have them and they would put a picture of their loved ones inside." Steve explained.

"It literally sounds like a phone." Lance said crossing his arms. "Do they tick? How do you keep it running?"

Bucky returned and held out a small box.

Lance frowned at him, then opened it, his eyes lighting up. He gently pulled the pocket watch out then frowned as the chain seemed to go on forever.

Bucky chuckled and finally took pity on Lance's confusion and helped him. "You hook this here and then pocket it."

Lance toyed with the chain. "Wait did you just buy this?"

Bucky shrugged. "Maybe."

Lance smiled then hugged Bucky tight, Steve chuckled at the surprised look on Bucky's face.

"Thank you."

Bucky slowly relaxed and wrapped one arm around Lance. "You're welcome kid."

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