Give in

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It was quiet.

Too quiet.

"He's going to make it Steve." Peggy whispered placing her hand on his as they watched the unconscious figure of Lance. "He's a fighter."

They had managed to stop the train.

Natasha had the vial.

Blue scared all of HYDRA and locked them in ice.


Lance had been mumbling something none of them understood and then promptly blacked out.

The antidote seemed to take an age to kick in.

It had been too close a call.

"I know." Steve whispered but it didn't make the worry cease.

The monitor next to the bed that had been providing a steady rhythm suddenly flipped a switch.

Steve jumped to his feet as Lance sat up. His eyes wide as he stared at the wall.

He was shaking.


Blue eyes snapped to him and after several long blinks Lance relaxed and leaned back against the pillows.

"Hey? You okay?" Bruce asked moving to stand next to Lance.

Lance opened his mouth but... It seemed that he couldn't settle on what to say. "I... What... How am I here?"

"We got you off the train." Bucky explained from where he was sat by the window. "You kinda saved the day by putting HYDRA on ice."

"No..." Lance said shaking his head. "No, no, no. How did I get here? I wasn't here?"

"What do you mean?" Bruce frowned glancing to Steve.

"I was with Haggar, she was... She was doing something to me and... Why can't I remember?"

"Okay, you need to breathe." Peggy said as the monitor spiked again. "You were hurt quite badly."

Lance closed his eyes. "And Hunk..."


"I heard him." Lance whispered. "He was... He sounded scared, I..."

"You might have been hallucinating." Bruce offered. "The poison was messing with you."


"I know you want it to be true." Bruce whispered giving Lance's hand a squeeze. "But if it only happened when the poison was within you then maybe you need to take it into consideration."

Steve could see the tears gathering in Lance's eyes even as he nodded. He looked like he had when they had first found him.

Quiet and sad as everything around him shattered.

"I'll get a doctor to come and see you, okay?" Bruce offered squeezing Lance's hand.

Lance nodded. "Thanks."

"How did you end up being kidnapped?" Peggy asked softly. "I mean you have so many lions and Avengers with you."

"Got drugged." Lance mumbled then his eyes widened. "Maybe that triggered it?"

"No Lance." Steve said firmly. "We're not drugging you to find out."

Lance sank back into the bed. Then his gaze shifted to Peggy. "How come you're here?"

"After your last visit, it turned out that my memory has recovered." Peggy smiled. "Whatever you did cured my dementia."

Lance blinked at her. "What?"

The door opened and a doctor entered. "Mr McClain, I will admit that I am shocked to know you are awake." The man explained as he lifted the clipboard from the bottom of Lance's bed. "You were quite seriously ill when you arrived."

"I know, I nearly died." Lance grumbled. "No need to soften the blow."

The doctor faltered then glanced to Steve who just shook his head pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Anyway, we'll have to run a few tests to make sure the poison is completely gone from your system." The doctor continued. "How do you feel?"

"Like my mind is a twisted web and I can't detangle it." Lance offered, getting a frown in reply. He sighed. "Fairly normal."

The doctor nodded. "Very well. I shall get the equipment needed to be sure you are clean from the poison."

As he left Tony and Thor slipped in.

"I thought we agreed this wasn't going to become a regular thing." Tony reminded, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah I know." Lance smiled. "Sorry."

"Don't apologise, it wasn't your fault." Bucky sighed. "We should have been paying closer attention."

"So... Who was that woman, the one in green."

"She's Viper." Steve answered. "A HYDRA agent who had persuaded Yelena to work for them to achieve their goals."

"Which were?"

"Having you out of the picture and getting Natasha and Bucky back." Steve frowned. "They just didn't count on a lion actually coming to get you."

"I did warn them." Lance shrugged with a smile. "Blue has always been protective."

"Don't we know it." Thor smiled. "I am glad to see you in good spirits."

Lance grinned. "I'm alright, I just... I think I need to take it easy for a few days."

"That you do." Tony nodded.

"I doubt HYDRA will try again." Peggy admitted. "Lance has proven that he can protect himself and you have stopped the Winter Soldier and Yelena."


"She's with Natasha and Clint talking to Fury right now." Steve smiled. "Honestly you're as bad as Clint in bringing people to the good side."

"So... Do you really think you heard your friend?" Peggy asked tilting her head.

Bruce looked concerned.

"I don't know." Lance shrugged. "Do you believe in miracles?"

"I do now." Peggy smiled. "How about you?"

Lance swallowed thickly. "I might need some convincing."

Green appeared and nuzzled into his chest making Lance smile. "Be brave little cub. You are not alone."

Green then roared loudly making the room shake.

Steve jumped up as Lance just sat there staring at her.

He blinked and it was over. Like Green had got it out of her system.

"What was that for?" Lance frowned flicking her nose. "There was literally no need for that."

Green purred and leaned into his arm. "I have protected your health young cub. Do not put your life in such danger again."

"I'll try my best." Lance promised pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

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