Burn From Inside Out

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Watching the destruction of Zarkon was hope inspiring amongst the team of Blades and rebels.

But then when the lions all vanished leaving an unconscious floating paladin in their wake was more shocking than anything.

The lions abandoned him.

Or so it seemed.

The rebels and Blades had set the prisoners free and had retreated when they learned that the paladin was within Haggar's grasp.

Krolia had demanded a rescue.

Kolivan had almost agreed with her but any attempt at a rescue had been discouraged by the sight of their injured troops.

"We have to do something." Krolia whispered. "But what?"

"I don't know." Kolivan sighed. "If only the rest of the paladins were here."


"So did you hear about what happened to Zarkon?" One of the Galran's asked quietly.

"Yeah, he was an idiot. He had a whole army at his disposal and he thought he could do it alone." The other replied.

"So it's true," the Galran's flinched both of them turning to aim their blaster's into the darkness, "Zarkon has finally been bested."

"Who's there?" The Galran demanded with a slight sake.

A bright flash of purple filled the hallway.

"Just me." Shiro smirked before launching forward.

He deflected the blasts aimed toward him and quickly knocked the two guards out allowing him to slash the lock.

"I'm in." He informed casually.

"Good, hurry up."

"Did you hear what they said?" Shiro asked as he pushed the heavy door open. "About Zarkon?"

"Yes, do we believe them?"

"I don't know Allura." He sighed. "But if they heard about it out here then it must be true."

"Can we just focus on getting Coran out of there?" Pidge cut in. "Then we can focus on the news of the Galran hierarchy."

"Fine." Shiro gumbled pressing his hand against the panel.

The cell opened and Coran stepped forward dusting his jacket off.

"As regal as always." Shiro chuckled crossing his arms. "You ready to go."

"Of course, let us regroup with the others and I shall tell you what I have learned of Zarkons demise."


"Lance?" Hunk breathed eyes wide. "You're sure it was him?"

Coran grinned. "I am certain of it. The Galran's described it in detail that pointed directly to Lance and his personality. He challenged Zarkon to a fight as a distraction."

"Sounds like Lance. But what happened after the fight?" Keith frowned. "Where is Lance now?"

"That is where the rumors end." Coran sighed as he moved around the room. "The lions vanished when Zarkon was vanquished."

"How does he do that?" Keith asked mostly to himself as he leaned against the consult table. "Turn up with all the lions then vanish?"

"I don't know." Allura mumbled softly from where she sat. "But if he had all the lions and none of you felt it then Lance must own the lions."

"What do you mean by own?" Pidge inquired sitting up in her chair.

"He's been gone for two deca-phoebs, so have the lions. Wherever Lance has been the lions must have been with him." Hunk offered as he started pacing.

"Yes, but to own them would mean he is the paladin of all the lions." Allura explained. "My father said it was impossible."

"Which explains why we couldn't find them." Shiro nodded. "They've connected to Lance."

"Theye not like some sort of Bluetooth device Shiro." Pidge frowned. "Something must have happened that caused the lions to connect with him."

"Finding out what is a priority." Allura decided as she stood up.

"How are we going to find him?" Hunk whispered looking around, his hands were in his hair and he looked so worried.

"For that we have to find out what the Galran's did to him." Shiro offered. "Or if they know where he went."

"Remember we are right at the end of the chain." Coran reminded. "Any news we receive out here probably happened quintants ago."

Pidge's laptop lit up brightly with a warning. "We've got a Galran cruiser... Scratch that, it's Haggar's ship. They're coming through the graveyard."

"Why would they be out here?" Coran frowned leaning over her shoulder to look. "They haven't detected us."

"No, but it won't be long until they do." Keith sighed drawing his blade. "What's the plan?"

Shiro frowned deeply. "The last time Lance was seen he was fighting Zarkon outside of Haggar's ship." He reminded. "If we want to know what happened to him, we need to get on Haggar's ship."

"Then what? We'll be completely outnumbered and we don't have a ship we can escape in." Hunk frowned. "We've done some crazy stuff over the last two years but this one will take the cake."

"Something tells me we have to do this." Allura whispered. "It's like a... What do you call it?"

"A gut feeling?" Keith offered.

"Precisely. We go with this plan." Allura smiled placing her hands on her hips. "Who's with me?"

"Let's go unravel a mystery." Pidge nodded firmly. "And hopefully we'll get to see Lance again."


"Why does Haggar even want these old ships?" A Galran asked as he scanned the hallway. "They were destroyed when Voltron was around."

"To rebuild the army." Another replied sternly. "Stay on guard, we don't know what kind of pirates may have taken over this area."

"Pirates, we can handle pirates."

"Keep moving, we've got other ships to scan and not a big timeframe."

"Well it's looking all clear. This ship is ready for collection."

Pidge's eyes narrowed as she waited for the Galran's to retreat. Their plan had worked and soon they would be onboard the mother ship.

It was terrifying but also exhilarating.

They had never been this close to learning what had happened to Lance those two years ago. And now it was as if there was light at the end of the tunnel.

Their ship docked with a heavy thunk, they waited a little bit longer just to be sure that no one would notice them as they descended from the broken cruiser to Haggar's ship.

The planet killer.

"Something doesn't feel right." Hunk admitted as he stopped in the middle of the hallway. "Something's wrong."

"I can feel it too." Keith confirmed readying his sword.

"And me." Allura stepped forward into the darkness. "Can you see that?"

"See what?" Coran frowned.

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