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A roar far louder than any explosion, one of deep, raw pain echoed through the battle field.

It was so loud in fact that Sendak paused allowing Keith and Shiro to simultaneously knock him out. Leaving him on the muddy ground.

Keith secured restraints on him after Shiro had ripped the power source of his arm out.

Now they could fully focus on the dwindling battle and the sorrowful roar that echoed long after it ended.

The roar reached far deeper than just sound. It touched the surround heroes emotions with an unrelenting icy blast of grief.

"No." Pidge breathed as a glimmering green lion appeared at her side.

The realisations began to sink in. Lance had relinquished the lions, but at what cost?

What had he done?

She took off in a sprint immediately, heading to where the roar thundered from.

The others followed. Scouring the land of mud and rubble to try and find Lance. He had to be there somewhere.

They came over a large mound of rubble and found Lance, he was laying on his back, eyes staring at the clouded sky.

He was covered in mud and grime, and his left leg was mangled, bent at an awkward angle in several places.

The blue lion was pacing next to him, her shimmering coat dulling with each second as she growled to herself.

"Blue." Allura whispered her voice tight with emotions that hadn't fully sunk in for the rest of them.

It hadn't fully registered.

Blue growls grew even louder as she nudged Lance's arm, once, twice, three time but nothing changed.

Nothing changed.

Hunk reached where the others were frozen, unable to move as they didn't understand what they saw.

Hunk skidded to a stop next to him and with each second realised a sickly truth.

"No!" He gasped slipping his arm under Lance's neck to hold him. "No, no, no. Lance please."

Lance's eyes were cold, unseeing and lifeless. His skin was pale and getting paler still as the rain washed away the mud on his skin.

Blue let out a whimpering roar before she collapsed dropping her head onto Lance's chest. It was enough to get the others to move. To prompt them to action.

"Lance? Lance?!" Shiro demanded shaking the boys shoulder as he skidded next to Hunk. "No, come on."

Tony landed the other side of Blue and brushed his fingers through her fur. "We can help him, there must be a way."

"We can have the medical bay diagnosing in seconds." T'challa added.

"Little blue need to be okay." Hulk frowned hovering behind Hunk.

"Let's stop standing around and get him the help he needs." Natasha decided firmly. "We can-"

"He's gone." Hunk choked, shaking as he curled into Lance. "Don't you get it, he's gone. He's gone."

"No." Tony gasped. "No, no, no."

Clint sank to his knees wrapping an arm around Pidge's shoulders. She instantly leaned into him hiding her face in his chest as she sobbed.

"Why did you leave him?!" Keith demanded turning to the glowing red form of his lion that pawed at Lance's foot. "Why?!"

"This isn't how the story's meant to end." Allura breathed kneeling the other side of Blue. She carded her fingers through her fur.

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