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"Are you sure?" Clint frowned looking suddenly tense.

"Definitely." Tony nodded. "Although where the Tracksuit Mafia got a missile is mind boggling."

"They will do anything to get their hands on anything." Clint reminded. "But why attack the tower?"

"Perhaps they were told to by whoever gave them the missile." Natasha offered.

"Yeah, that's quite likely." Clint agreed.

"You roaring and scaring half of New York is really unhelpful." Lance scowled looking down at the red (human-sized) lion.

It growled in response.

"Don't give me that." Lance said shaking his head, but he didn't appear so angry. "Just don't nearly cause the Avengers tower to collapse. That's not a good idea."

Red offered a grumbling growl before it turned it's gaze on the Avengers.

"So guys this is Red, she was Keith's and she is fierce and stubborn and generally just a pain." Lance explained getting a sharp growl in response. "That's all true."

"She... She nearly caused an earthquake." Bruce explained with a frown.

"Yeah I know, she... She's very protective over everyone and everything." Lance shrugged. "We'll work it out."

"It's not a bad thing." Steve smiled. "Besides, we were all worried about you."

"Had worse." Lance mumbled looking away. "Anyway, who is this Tracksuit Mafia?"

"A gang that seem to appear everywhere. They're more annoying than dangerous." Natasha explained.

"But if other bad guys start giving them more dangerous toys that they don't know how to use we're going to have bigger problems." Tony pointed out.

"You don't think they were aiming here?"

"That's hard to work out." Tony sighed. "But Bruce and I are looking into it."

"I'm gonna go and see if I can track them." Clint decided. "Nat you wanna join?"

"You think you need me?"

"I might have more leads to follow, it'll be quicker if you come with." Clint smirked. "Plus I get bored."

"Don't we all know it." Tony whispered to Lance making him smile.

"While you two head out on your search, I'll go check on civilians." Steve decided. "Then we can figure out what actually happened and reassure them that everything is under control."

"Why it is only you that is allowed to meet with the press?" Thor asked crossing his arms.

"Because Nat and Clint are spies, you make things too gory, I'm terrible in front of a camera and Tony is an absolute no go." Bruce explained.

"How can I help?" Lance asked looking around.

"You can help, by going to school." Steve said patting Lance's shoulder. "Before we get in trouble for your education, or lack of it."

Lance groaned. "Fine." He went to go when an idea came to his mind. "Would it be okay for me to meet up with some friends over the weekend?"

"Sure." Tony smiled.


"The kid needs friends his age, let him be." Tony said cutting Steve and Natasha off. "Besides, we trust you to look after yourself."


"So," Lance started as he closed his locker and turned back to talk to Miles and Gwen, "what are you guys doing this weekend?"

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