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"Mr Stark, this attack has caused substantial damage not just physically but mentally. How can we even begin to trust the heroes if one of their own turns against us?"

"Jessica Jameson doesn't need to worry about finding a new headline." Tony replied sharply. "The blue paladin wasn't the cause of this attack. HYDRA tried to impersonate him."

"But a black lion attacked the blue one."

"Is there more than one paladin?"

"This is going nowhere." Lance grumbled.

"There isn't much you can do." Clint reminded.

Lance shrugged. "I know, but this is kinda my fault."

"We need to keep you safe." Natasha added crossing her arms.

Tony and Steve were still trying to calm everyone down.

A hand then appeared on Lance's arm and he found Gwen staring up at him. "Are you okay? What's going on?"

Lance sighed. "I never really know if I'm okay and there's too much going on right now."

"Can we help?" Miles asked.

Lance shook his head. "I'll explain everything to you guys later, but right now I need to be honest."

Lance stepped quickly away from the group and headed towards the crowd of press.

"The real question on everyone's mind is who is the blue paladin."

"It's me."

The press fell silent and suddenly so many eyes, cameras and microphones turned to face him.

"Sorry kid but-"

Blue interrupted the reporter as she appeared glowing at his side.

The silence stretched on.

"My name is Lance McClain, and I am the last paladin of Voltron." Lance explained lifting his head up. "And I should add I'm from an alternate universe."


"How did you get here?"

"What is Voltron?"

"What happened to the other paladins?"

"What was the alternate universe like?"

"How come you had a black lion?"

Lance made eye contact with Tony who was smiling at him. "This isn't going to end is it?" He chuckled.

Tony shook his head. "The questions just get more outageous."

Lance smirked then glanced to Blue. "Where are your sisters?"

The other lions appeared. First Green, then Red and Yellow and finally Black.

Black stood in front of Lance and roared making everyone fall silent again.

Lance crossed his arms. "These are my lions, the lions of Voltron. And HYDRA is no match for them."

He looked towards Natasha who was shaking her head.

"I'm not afraid of HYDRA, or AIM." Lance admitted letting Blue nuzzle his hand. "I've battled with power hungry tyrants and armies with far greater numbers than this before."

"What were the enemies you faced?"

"What was it like?"

Lance was so desperately trying to sound as confident as he was pretending to be. "To answer your question from before, you can trust in the Avengers, because they're the ones who will always protect your world, and I'll be there to help. Always."

"And we'll always have your back." Clint added as he stepped up beside Lance. "Lance is an Avenger and he always will be."

"Time to head home?" Steve asked tilting his head as he walked over.


Hulk roared loudly at the reporter before standing next to Lance.

Lance chuckled as Thor and Natasha joined them.

Tony landed in front of Lance and offered him a fistbump.

"Hey Blue, time to go home." Lance smirked offering her a wink.

Blue roared and in a flash of Blue they were gone.

Tony stumbled back only staying upright because Thor caught his arm.

Natasha frowned at Lance while Clint and Steve looked momentarily like they were going to be ill.

Hulk gently shoved Lance's arm. "Could've warned us."

Lance grinned kneeling in front of Blue. "You actually did it?! I can't believe you."

The blue lion chirped and licked at Lance's face.

"Did we just teleport?" Natasha asked looking confused.

"Yeah, Blue used to be able to do it before Haggar attacked, this is a really small jump but it's better than nothing."

"And we're on a roof in the middle of New York." Tony noted recieving a sheepish smile from Lance. "Good job kid, that's one way to do a dramatic exit."

"So those two who came to talk to you?" Clint asked raising an eyebrow at Lance. "They're your friends?"


Steve placed his hand on Lance's arm. "I thought you wanted to tell them first."

"They found out in the corridor before I went to battle the lion." Lance explained looking back towards the school. "I'll arrange to meet up with them about it later."

"Good idea." Thor smiled.

"Fury's calling, you're headline news Lance."


"Don't be, it was going to happen at some point, you just chose when." Tony said offering Lance a warm smile. "You're in control of your life Lance, you choose when to do things. Okay?"

Lance nodded. "While we're on this subject of choosing to do things, the Galran ship... I want to go after the Galran."

"If they were watching the news I think it won't be long until they come after you." Clint noted shaking his head. "But we can help you with your search. Anything you need just let us know. Okay?"

"Yeah, thank you, all of you."

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