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The floor was moving.


It was trembling.


Lance's eyes opened weakly and for a long time his eyes wouldn't focus.

Then he realised where he was. He was in a train carriage.

And he was strapped down. Strapped to what appeared to be a medical cot.

"I'm not really a fan of being experimented on." He admitted quietly as his head pulsed with a dull pain. "What did you drug me with?"

"Something to keep you passive." A voice explained.

Lance went to turn his head but soon realised he couldn't. There was a metal band laying across his forehead keeping his head still.

"Why am I restrained?"

"Because we can never be too careful."

Lance silently cursed them for being so thorough. "What happens now?"

"We lead the avengers into a trap and then we kill you all."

"I have several problems with that plan." Lance admitted finally managing to take a deeper breath. "Who wants me?"

"HYDRA, AIM, all of them. You have made yourself a target, a very popular one."

"Perfect." Lance sighed. "Any chance we can talk this out?"

"I am surprised that you have not yet attempted to make one of your lions come to your aid."

"What's the point? You'll just hurt me or knock me out." Lance grumbled closing his eyes.

"At least you have some common sense." The woman replied as fingers danced on his forearm. "And you took one of my toys."

"If you're talking about Bucky, you're wrong." Lance frowned his eyes opening to see a woman with black hair which was at some point poorly dyed green. "Who are you?"

"My name is Viper." She grinned brightly as she traced his jaw. "And I'm delivering you to an old friend. Once we have the Avengers he can do what he wishes with you."

"So you're like Haggar. Got it." Lance noted rolling his eyes. "Your plan won't work."

"And whys that?"

"If you try to kill me the lions will react on their own." Lance explained attempting to shake his head, but ultimately realised it was pointless. "And I won't be able to stop them from tearing you apart."

"We'll see." Viper whispered tapping his nose. "Yelena will keep you company until I get back, don't let him out of your sight."

Viper danced away and before long Yelena stood at his side.

"You're okay with this?" Lance asked glancing her way.

"I'm okay with everything."

"You don't have to be." Lance grumbled. He knew it was a pointless argument but it was something Clint would do. "Natasha at least stands for something."

"If you keep talking I will harm you."

"Mmh." Lance sighed. "You know this plan won't work."

Yelena's eyes snapped to him and Lance could see the anger there.

She pulled something from her pocket and then attached it to something Lance couldn't see. She lifted the needle up and Lance stared at the red liquid inside.

"What's that?" He asked eyes wide.

"You should have listened." Yelena answered as she unkindly jabbed it into his arm making Lance wince. "They always learn too late to keep their mouth shut."

"It's a problem." Lance admitted as he felt the liquid begin to drift around his body. "Did you just poison me."

"Perhaps." Yelena nodded. "I will only give you the antidote if Natasha agrees to my offer."

"Nngh, not a good idea." Lance whimpered eyes closing as the uncomfortable feeling settled in his gut. "How long have I got?"

"Less than six hours." Yelena answered. "If you remain still."

"Can't promise much." Lance frowned. "This won't end well."


"You got him?" Natasha asked as she caught up with them in her car.

"He's on a train." Steve answered frowning as Bucky blared the horn of the car Steve had borrowed. He blinked twice then turned back to Natasha. "It's heading out of town."

"Of course." Natasha said rolling her eyes. "I can't believe you let him get kidnapped. Again."

"This time it's probably more personal." Bucky answered. "HYDRA want me back too, so they've probably set up a trap."

"Are you sure it's okay for you to come with us on this mission?" Natasha asked eyes narrowed towards Bucky. "I don't want to have to deal with the Winter Soldier on top of everything else."

"I won't let him." Bucky snapped. "Let's just get the kid."

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