Crimson Tide

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"How did the Crimson Dynamo catch you all?" Lance asked with a frown.

"He took us by surprise, we didn't know that there was anyone here." Steve admitted.

"Aye, he was prepared for our arrival."

"Alright team, the uranium core of this building is collapsing, and right now we're directly beneath it." Tony explained.

"Hulk handle uranium." Hulk decided.

Lance smiled. "Yeah you're probably the only one who can."

Hulk smiled slightly and patted Lance's back sending him stumbling forward.

Steve caught him. "We need a way to get our gear back and get to the surface before it gives way."

Lance looked around them again. "Is the lift the only way up?"

Natasha nodded. "I'm afraid so."

"Well," Lance started with a smirk. "He didn't take my weapon."

"He didn't?" Thor asked.

Lance opened his hand then closed it, his Bayard appeared with a flash of blue. "Ready to rock and roll."

"I'm in love." Tony said as he moved Lance's hand to take a closer look at his Bayard.

Lance smirked.

"Hulk, think you can smash through the ceiling without bringing the building down on us?" Steve asked, looking up.

Hulk followed his gaze. "Maybe."

Blue, I need you. Lance called in his mind.

A flash of blue and she appeared by his feet.

Lance knelt by her. "Can you put up your particle barrier in this form?" He asked as he stroked her head.

Blue purred. I can, my cub.

Lance smirked looking up at Steve. "Blue can keep us shielded while Hulk smashes through."

"Great idea." Tony nodded. "When we get topside if I take Hawkeye and Hulk to stablise the core. Cap you, Widow, Thor and the kid can take down Dynamo."

Steve nodded. "He's fast and strong, stay away from the punches and don't let him get inside your head."

"Roger that." Lance nodded. "How are you guys gonna get up there?"

"Hulk smash you a hole." Hulk explained.

Lance smiled. "No I mean, only two of you can fly."

"I can take Hawkeye and cap." Tony said with a shrug. "Thor can take Widow and you-"

"I've got a jetpack." Lance cut in with a big grin.

"Alright, kids got his own transport." Clint nodded. "Good."


"We're ready Hulk."

Hulk nodded then grinned as he launched, he went straight through the ceiling causing rubble to tumble.

Blues shields went up protecting them all as they waited for Hulk to finish his job.

"Hulk done!" He roared back.

Tony grabbed Clint's and Steve's arms and pulled them upwards, Thor took ahold of Natasha's arm and was soon following.

Lance nodded to Blue as his jetpack activated carrying him up towards the to level.

Upon arriving there was already a battle in full swing.

Lance launched himself up into the rafters where his Bayard became a sniper rifle.

He scanned the room soon spotting where all of the Avengers gear was held hostage.

He fired the shot, a long line coming out of it, once it was hooked he pulled it back to the center of the fight.

Clint jumped over the table grabbing his bow as he did, he rolled and fired at the same time momentarily blinding the Crimson Dynamo.

"Team split, go!" Tony shouted.

Lance grinned, things seemed to be going okay.

Something hit the rafter he was on causing the area to be filled with smoke.

He stumbled as the rafter beneath his feet gave way.

His jetpack slowed the fall and he was able to hit the Crimson Dynamo with several blasts.

But they didn't do anything really.

"Okay this armour is actually pretty good." Lance said as the Crimson Dynamo turned towards him.

He rolled to the side barely dodging the large metal fist aimed for him.

He tried to push hismelf up when another fist was swinging for him.

Before it could hit him Thor landed in front of him, he batted the Crimson Dynamo arm away with a growl.

"You touch my young friend and you shall face the wrath of the son of Odin." He roared as lightning lit up the room.

Lance shielded his eyes as the Crimson Dynamo was thrown backwards by the force of the lightning strike.

"Are you alright young one?" Thor asked turning to him. "You're not hurt?"

"I'm okay." He promised. "I just got distracted."

Thor nodded. "Please be careful, we do not wish you to come to any harm."

Lance smiled. "I'll be careful."

Steve's shield came flying by, it made a high ringing sound as it struck home against the helmet of the Crimson Dynamo suit.

"You cannot defeat me." Dynamo growled as he got up. "I will take down the Avengers and their new pathetic friend."

"Pathetic?" Lance asked. "Now I feel offended."

"Hiding behind the Avengers, you're weak."

Lance would have laughed if the situation was less serious.

The Avengers were clearly becoming riled up by what he was saying.

He couldn't have that.

"Hey Blue." He smirked. "Put him on ice."

Blue roared loudly next to him as she appeared in her lioness form. A blast from her mouth had bright glimmering ice forming rapidly around the Crimson Dynamo suit.

Blue then huffed out an irritated sound before she nuzzled into Lance's hand.

"Good job." Lance smiled patting her head.

"Alright Avengers, the building is secure. With Hawkeye's precision, Hulk's strength and some of my tech we've stablised it for now."

"Time to go?" Lance asked turning to Steve and Natasha.

"It sure is." Natasha nodded. "Could we trouble you for a ride home?"

Lance smirked. "Sure, why not."


"The kid is doing well." Fury said calmly.

Steve nodded. "He's doing great."

"We have to make an announcement soon about who he is." Fury sighed. "The government wants to know who the Blue paladin is and where he came from as well as how he is linked to the Avengers."

"We have a plan for that." Steve smiled glancing to where Lance was chatting with the others. "We'll keep you posted."

"Alright, good job out there today."

"Thanks Fury." Steve said with a nod. "I hope the Crimson Dynamo isn't causing you too much rouble."

"He's still thawing." Fury admitted his mouth twitching towards a smile. "Keep that kid safe, I like him."

Steve smiled as he looked down. "Yeah, we do too."

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