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Steve was pacing as Bucky gave his side of the story. They all seemed shocked, hurt, angry and confused by what Bucky had recalled.

He had been brainwashed, he didn't remember much from before but he knew that Lance was on a high priority list for HYDRA.

That didn't settle anyone's nerves.

"It's too risky letting you stay here." Natasha said gently. "We want to help you but you can't stay, we'll send you on to SHIELD, they'll be-"


All gazes turned to Lance who was frowning at the floor now.

"What?" Clint said gently. "Kid this guy's got an even bigger target on his back then you do."

"Look I wasn't completely honest with you." Lance admitted meeting Bucky's gaze. "I know someone who was forced to do something he hated over and over just to survive."

"You do?" Bucky whispered.

Lance nodded as Black appeared next to him, she nudged his hand. "He was a good friend of mine, we fought side by side and he saved my life countless times." He paused closing his eyes as he swallowed the rising lump in his throat. "I couldn't protect him."

"Lance." Steve said gently sitting next to him. "That wasn't your fault."

Lance shook his head. "I know, but Shiro would want me to help Bucky."

"And how do you plan on helping him?" Bruce asked crossing his arms. "There isn't really much any of us can do, HYDRA won't just let him go."

"Blue knocked the Winter Soldier out of him." Lance explained gesturing to Bucky. "I can make sure he doesn't become the Winter Soldier again."

"Makes sense." Tony nodded slowly. "It's up to you Steve and Nat, you guys know him better."

"But Lance has school, how will he be able to protect Bucky?"

Lance shrugged. "Blue likes him, she'll keep him safe for me."

Blue lifted her head from Bucky's knee and growled at Lance.

"I'll be fine." Lance said sharply at her. "I have the others."

Blue still growled her eyes flashing yellow.

"Fine be like that." Lance huffed crossing his arms as he leaned back. "I know you don't mean it."

"I'm so confused." Bucky admitted.

"You get used to it after a while." Natasha said rolling her eyes.

Lance frowned. "I'm not that crazy." He grumbled.

"We're not calling you crazy." Natasha promised patting his shoulder.

"We just cannot hear the conversation that you're having with her." Thor explained.

"I don't think you should send your kid to school." Bucky said quietly.

"Why not?" Bruce asked tilting his head.

"Well, they sent me after him, they're bound to try again." Bucky reminded. "Wouldn't it be safer to keep him here or in a secure location?"

"That's not a bad idea." Tony frowned.

"Yes, no school." Lance smirked. "I like Bucky, can he stay?"

He glanced around them all waiting expectantly. Then Steve smiled.

"Yeah, Bucky can stay."

"Yes!" Lance cheered jumping to his feet making Bucky smile.

"Bucky if you feel like something isn't right please let us know." Steve urged placing his hand on Bucky's shoulder.

Bucky nodded. "I will, and thank you."

"Don't thank us yet." Tony said crossing his arms with a smile. "Let us help you first and see if we can get you free, okay?"

Bucky smiled more then glanced to Lance who shot him a grin.

"Lance, time for bed." Clint said making said teen pout.

"Not fair." Lance groaned. "I'm not going to school tomorrow."

"Doesn't mean you're skipping out on your school work." Tony said as he guided Lance out the room.

"Oh come on!"

"You've got one strange kid there." Bucky said quietly.

"Yes, but we love him." Thor stated making Natasha smile.

"So, are you feeling okay?" Clint asked sitting next to Bucky.

Bucky looked down at his hands and nodded. "I can't even sense him, like... The kid really did knock him out of me."

"Here's hoping." Bruce whispered.

"Do you remember much of your life before?" Steve asked sounding hopeful.

"I remember you, and Brooklyn." Bucky admitted. "Most of the HYDRA stuff is a blur."

"That might be for the best." Clint shrugged. "I can't imagine it was enjoyable."

"I doubt it was." Bucky agreed quietly. "Are you sure it's okay for me to stay? I can-"

"Lance would kill us if you left now." Natasha explained shaking her head. "So stay."

"Wow, he's got you all wrapped around his little finger hasn't he?" Bucky chuckled. "I'm glad he likes me."

"He is an excellent warrior and he always seeks to find the best in those around him." Thor agreed.

"He might have to dig a bit to see any in me." Bucky sighed. "Where do you want me to be?"

"Come on, I'll show you were you're staying." Steve smiled clapping Bucky on the shoulder.

Blue followed Bucky like a dedicated puppy, which was strange seeing as she was a full fledged lioness.

"You know the lions rarely leave Lance's side." Steve admitted quietly. "You're very lucky."

"I'm not sure it's luck." Bucky frowned stroking her head. "So where is your kid from? I mean he's got pet lions that follow him around."

"Is that how he described it?" Steve smiled. "He's completely human, but he's not from this universe."

"And that means..."

"He's from another universe, but it went bad." Steve shrugged. "Blue brought him here."

"And you adopted him."

"Only after he told us all his family and everyone he knew was dead." Steve whispered looking away.

"Wow." Bucky mumbled crossing his arms. "Tough kid."

"Yeah, he's an interesting one." Steve nodded.

"I'm sorry I'm crashing into your life again." Bucky frowned.

"Don't be, I'm glad you're back." Steve admitted gently. "I'm really glad you're here Bucky."

Bucky gave a faint smile.

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