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They arrived in a building. It seemed too human for it to be right but they had other things to deal with.

Hunk hugged Lance closer. He didn't understand where they were or what was going on or even if it was safe.


An alarm started blaring loudly making the group flinch.

Pidge scurried off and opened a tab, she froze before shaking her head to cut the alarms off.

"Okay, we need to get Lance medical help and we need to figure out where we are." Shiro decided helping Hunk to lift Lance into his arms.

"I can tell you where we are." Pidge whispered.

"Are you alright paladin?" Lotor asked taking a step closer.

"We're on earth." She explained turning the screen to face them.

English words scrawled across the page.

"H-how?" Keith asked eyes wide.

"Lance teleported us, it has to be him." Pidge said as she turned the screen off.

"It would use up far too much of his energy to teleport us this far." Allura frowned.

"Well he did." Hunk pointed out before he gestured to Lance's unconscious and bleeding form. "We don't have time to figure this out, we need to help Lance."

The blue lion growled in agreement.

"We need a medical center, a place where I can-"

Blue scampered off stopping in the doorway to glance back at them.

"Something tells me Blue's been here before." Shiro frowned patting Hunk's shoulder. "Let's follow her."


"This is where I found him." Axca whispered. "Right here with other humans. They were very protective over him."

"Where are those people now?"

"I don't know." Axca admitted looking around. "But I have no doubt that they will turn up again."

"This machine apparently stimulates cell growth." Coran explained as he moved it over toward Lance. "So long as he stays still we should be able to repair the damage done."

"He was here, all this time." Hunk whispered. "I almost can't believe it, why would Haggar send him here?"

"I doubt she meant to." Lotor grumbled crossing his arms. "Her intention has only ever been to destroy you all."

"Right, but this is earth? How did Lance get here?" Keith frowned.

"We're in a different universe." Pidge realised. "We've jumped universes, Lance has been in a different universe for two years."

"Deca-phoebs." Coran mumbled. "Of course time works differently in different universe's."

"You mean Lance wasn't here for two years?" Hunk glanced to where Lance was still unconscious. "How did he become paladin to all the lions and unlock Blues teleporting in less than two years?"

"I have no idea." Allura admitted. "Blue, can I glance at your memories?"

Blue gave a faint warning growl and moved to curl up at Lance's side.

The machine continued to stitch his skin together as he rested and Blue lay there gently nudging his hand impatiently.

"He will need time to recover." Coran reminded patting Blue's back. "He will be alright soon."


Lance gasped and sat up sharply. Something fell and landed with a crash but he didn't care.

He blinked blearily at his surroundings and frowned. He knew this place.

The same cactus on the shelf, it was a bit bigger now but it was the same pot.

He was back in New York.

"Jarvis? Jarvis you there?" He called out gripping the blanket that was laid over him.

"Jarvis is no longer online, I am Friday." A voice answered making the blue lights around the room flicker.

"Right, Friday." Lance frowned, he was to tired too try and understand. "Where are the Avengers?"

"Currently in Sokovia, dealing with a world ending threat."

"Great." Lance nodded as he managed to get his feet on the floor.

Everything hurt and he didn't know what to do with himself for a moment.

Footsteps rushed into the room and paused at the door.

Lance was too tired to look.


"Not now Hunk." Lance mumbled covering his eyes as if that would make the hallucination stop. Haggar had relished in causing him pain through re-surfaced memories. "Please not right now, I don't want this."

"What do you mean?"

He wished his mind would just turn off, the buzz of the lions in his head and their unwavering presence made him mind ache.

It didn't help that he felt like he had been beaten up by Yelena.

A weak laugh escaped him. Why was she the first person he thought of?

Lance's eyes widened as his head snapped up. "Did you say a world ending threat?" He demanded at the invisible voice of Friday.

"Yes." Friday answered.

Lance forced himself to stand and found that with each step he took the less everything ached. "Can you patch me in on their frequency?"

"No, they have gone on to a closed network due to the nature of the threat." Friday informed calmly.

"Tell me Tony kept the suit." Lance said as he leant against the wall.

"And finished it. He was sure you would return." Friday explained as a panel in the wall moved to reveal his suit.

It was still the white and blue paladin armour, but it was most definitely a Tony version.

Lance stepped closer to trace the glowing V on the chest. "Okay, how does this-"

The suit launched and locked around him forming almost instantly nearly knocking him over. "Nice, although I wish it would be a bit more gentle next time."

"I shall inform Mr Stark."

"Whoa, that's cool."

Lance glanced to his side, Pidge was watching him.

Another hallucination, it had to be.

"You would think that." Lance nodded to himself, he couldn't be bothered to fight any more. "Come on Blue, let's go."

"Lance." Axca called making Lance pause mid step.

He glanced back at her and raised an eyebrow.

"You need to stay here." She said gently as she stepped forward. "Can't you see?"

Lance tilted his head slightly before shaking his head. "Don't you start messing with me too." He whispered offering her a half glare. "I'll be back."


"Time to fly Blue."

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