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Bucky blinked and it seemed to take an age for the information to sink in. Then looked at the floor. "Yeah, Steve... We grew up in Brooklyn together."

Lance smiled. "Yeah you did, I live with Steve."

Bucky met his gaze again, he looked skeptical. "You do?"

"Yeah, he um... Kinda adopted me." Lance admitted rocking on his heels. "You can come back with me and Blue if you want."

Bucky frowned staring off at the horizon.

The sun had set a while ago and in the dim light Lance couldn't read Bucky's expression as well as he would have liked too.

"Lance I-"

The sound of a gunshot had them both ducking. Blue growled a shield forming around them.

"You okay?" Bucky asked gripping Lance's shoulder.

"Yeah." Lance nodded eyes dancing trying to figure out who had fired the shot. "Look this is going to be weird but we gotta go."

Before Bucky could protest Blue turned to them and roared her body shifted to become metal as she grew.

Lance grabbed Bucky's arm and dragged him up the ramp.

Once he was in his pilots chair he launched away from the forest.

Only problem was that he didn't even know where they were.

"I don't suppose you know how to get back to New York?" Lance said glancing back.

Bucky was gripping the back of Lance's chair, eyes wide with fear. Or at least Lance assumed it was fear.


"What on earth... What is this? How is this even possible? Who are you?"

Lance held his hands up hoping that he might calm the big guy with the metal arm. "I'm Lance McClain, I'm not really from around here. I was adopted by the Avengers 4 months ago and a few days ago I announced that I was the blue paladin and now everyone knows."

Bucky frowned at him. "I don't know if I should trust you."

I like this man. He's not as naive as you can be.

Lance pouted to himself. "Listen, if I find Steve will you believe me then?"


Maybe not.

"Okay then." Lance nodded. He reached for his com when he hesitated. "I'm going to call the Avengers."

"I don't know who they are." Bucky admitted behind him.

Lance sighed and tapped open the coms and tried his best to brace hismelf for what was going to come. "This is going to be rough."

Tony's frantic face appeared on the screen seconds later.

"Kid!" He said loudly. "Oh my days! Where are you?! Are you alright?! What happened?!"

Lance winced at the clear anxiety he had put them all through. "Yeah I'm okay, Blue's got me." He promised watching Tony take a deep breath. "Where are the others?"

"Steve and Nat are looking for you around town, what happened?" Tony asked sharply.

"It's a long story." Lance admitted. "Can you call them back, I... I need to talk to Steve."

Tony nodded. "Alright, alright he's coming, let me just-"

The camera dropped and after a second or so Bruce appeared with a frown.

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