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G: Hey Lance
You okay?

Yeah I'm fine. :L
You guys okay?    

M: Yeah...
You sure that you're alright?
Like really alright?

You guys are being really cryptic again. :L
What's going on?     
What did I miss?    

G: Nothing.
  It's just we haven't heard from you for a few days.
You've been quiet.

It's the weekend? :L
I've been busy     

M: Oh? With what?

A friend wasn't well. :L
Life in general.   
What have you guys been up too?   

G: Watch the news!!
(Are you changing the subject?)

(Maybe) ;) :L

M: We stopped this guy called King Pin, it was awesome!
Did you not see it on the news?

G: He's one that will probably turn up again, he works with the tracksuit mafia who wouldn't last a day without him.
I swear he's more dangerous than he sounds.

King pin? Is that really his name? :L
Good job guys.    

M: Thanks 
We were in the right place at the right time.

Is that your weird creepy senses kicking in? :L

G: Of course.
Do you want to meet up for pizza?
Same spot as last time?

Can't. :L
I would love to tho.    

G: Oh?
Why not?

I'm away for the weekend :L
With my adopted family.    

M: Anywhere nice?


Lance glanced up from his phone at the infinite black void of space that surrounded him. "Excellent question Miles." He grumbled. "What on earth am I going to say?"

"You okay kiddo?"

Lance glanced back to see Tony standing in the doorway. "Yeah, just messaging my friends..." He regarded Tony again noticing how tense he was. "Are you okay?"

Tony nodded in a very jerky manner. "Yeah, yes, I'm fine."

Lance didn't break eye contact. "You don't like space."

Tony almost deflated as he stepped closer to stand with Lance.

"The last time I was in space, aside from that mission where we went into the atmosphere, I was carrying a nuke on my back and my suit wasn't designed for space." Tony admitted in one breath. "It's not that I don't like it, I can't predict it or adapt as well as I can on earth."

"That's a lie." Lance smiled. "You can adapt to anything. I mean, I literally crashed into your life with an alien war machine which we're currently flying in."

Tony chuckled. "I guess."

"And trust me, I know space. You'll be okay." Lance smiled. "But one question, what are we doing up here?"

The screen next to him loaded and Steve appeared. "Hey guys."

Lance offered a wave. "How you feeling?"

"Alright, I'm not going to lie the pod was a strange experience." Steve smiled making Lance chuckle. "I'm here to support you guys from the ground."

"Several satellites in the area have been getting damaged a lot. I want to know how and by what." Tony answered.

"We all came up here for a satellite?" Clint asked as he appeared by Lance's side. "Seriously Tony?"

"We don't know what's out there." Tony reminded.

"I know I'm just teasing." Clint smirked. "This must feel quite normal for you, huh?"

Lance nodded with a faint smile as Blue purred in the back of his mind. "Yeah."

"Alright boys, we're coming up on satellite number one." Natasha explained as she and Thor entered the cockpit.

"How's Hulk?" Lance asked as he slowed Blue down.

"He is not good, evidently he prefers gravity." Thor explained crossing his arms.

"He'll be alright once we're back on earth." Natasha added. "It shouldn't take long."

"Alright let me jettison down there and-"

"Hang on a minute." Lance chuckled cutting Tony off. His desperation to get back to earth was evident, but even so Lance wasn't going to let any of his team jump head first into trouble, not when he was in his element. "Blue can do a seismic scan on it first."

"You didn't tell me she could do that."

Lance shrugged. "I don't have to tell you guys everything."

"What other secrets have you got?" Natasha inquired.

Lance grinned at her. "I am only teasing."

He turned his attention back to the satellite and gently eased Blue in closer. "Alright Blue, scan."

Blue roared and almost instantly the seismic scan returned to him. "That's weird." He admitted spinning the hologram. "That doesn't look like normal 'I've been in space too long' damage."

"No it does not." Tony agreed leaning forward.

The hologram revealed blaster marks and burns on the surface of the metal. Something had hit it.

"Something is attacking them?" Thor asked slightly confused.

"Purposefully?" Lance asked tilting his head. "Who would purposefully attack a satellite?"

"A lot of people." Tony grumbled.

"There is a long list." Steve added.

"Can Hulk smash something now?" Hulk grumbled as he came into the cockpit, he wasn't looking so... Green.

"You won't be able to breathe." Lance reminded, with a frown as he stood up.

"Tony made a mask which he can wear and we've got suits." Clint explained leaning on the back of Lance's chair. "Let's go take a look."

Lance let his gaze drift back to the view. But something about this just didn't feel right.

He shook the feeling away and pulled his helmet on. Standing around and staring won't get anything done.

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