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"Alright kiddo." Tony smiled brightly. "I've got you a few things that will fit for now, we were going to go shopping today but HYDRA happened and you know the rest."

Lance gave him a slight smile.

"So I've got you a mishmash of stuff." Tony explained waving his free hand a little. "Steve says you can keep the jumper and Clint's given you some of his stuff."

Lance lifted the small pile of clothes to find a couple of t-shirts, sweatpants and socks.

All in a range of colours, purples, reds, blues, yellows and blacks.

A good mix really.

"I've got a few things lying around, but I want you to choose what you want, so we'll do that another day." Tony continued chatting as he moved across the room to open Lance's wardrobe. "We'll go shopping tomorrow and then you can pick out things that you like."

Lance smiled, he didn't know why they were being so nice but he couldn't help but hope it would last. He needed a bit of kindness in his life right now.

"Thank you." He said quietly.

Tony smiled back. "You're welcome."

Once Tony was gone Lance thumbed at the clothes that he had been given, he was grateful for them but he wasn't sure if any of them would fit.

He wasn't exactly muscular in any way. He always used to be teased for how thin he was, even when he joined team Voltron.

But he couldn't change that now.

His body was just naturally lanky even when he could eat his weight in one sitting.

Gosh he missed earth food.

So he shuffled through the few clothes wondering which ones would make him look small and which ones would actually work.

And which ones he felt most comfortable to wear.

He didn't want to upset anyone but he really wanted to feel safe and comfortable.

He ended up in a pair of Clint's black sweatpants and Steve's jumper, he liked it, it was comfortable and warm and it made him feel safe.

Which said a lot and considering what was about to go down he had a reason to want to feel safe.

It was only when he reached the door way of the living room that it hit him like a truck.

It was like going back in time. Like when he fell out of that healing pod the first time.

The awkwardness that lingered when the others explained what he had missed.

"Alright Lance, we've got plenty of films that Tony can buy if they're not already bought come and pick one." Clint smiled.

Lance didn't move.

"Um kid?" Tony frowned.

"Sorry." Lance whispered. "What were we talking about?"

"You okay?" Steve asked.

Lance nodded forcing himself to move. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't-" Clint started but Natasha elbowed him shaking her head.

The room was silent for a few moments.

"Do you ever get like déjà vu?" Lance whsispred hugging his knees close to his chest. Blue hopped up onto the sofa next to him tilting her head slightly.

"Yeah." Steve nodded.

"Kinda just had that." Lance admitted softly playing with the cuff of Steve's jumper.

"Déjà vu of what exactly?" Bruce asked tilting his head.

"The first time I met my friends." Lance sighed. "It was all a little awkward and none of us really knew what to do or say but... It worked out in the end."

"How did you guys meet?"

Lance chuckled. "When Blue kidnapped us all from earth."

Blues head lifted to look at Lance with a sort of frown.

"It's basically what you did." He shrugged holding her gaze. "You didn't exactly ask us."

Blue made a small hissing sound bumping his leg but Lance just smiled at her antics. He knew she didn't mean it.

"Yeah, yeah, be like that." He said ruffling the fur on her head.

"So you can talk to eachother?" Steve frowned.

"Yeah, Blue's... What's the word?" Lance frowned scratching the back of his head. "Sentient, she has her own emotions and thoughts and yeah we talk."

"That's amazing." Bruce breathed. "So you can have a telepathic conversation whenever you want?"

Lance nodded. "Yeah, I know it sounds a little crazy."

"I think it's incredible." Tony smiled.

"It's weird if I'm being honest." Lance shrugged as blue leaned up to nuzzle his cheek.

"So she has a personality?" Clint asked tilting his head.

"Oh yeah, they all do."

"They?" Natasha asked raising an eyebrow.

Lance stalled jaw snapping shut. "Um..."

"You don't have to answer." Tony said sitting next to him. "If it makes you uncomfortable you don't have to tell us."

Lance looked away, Blue leaned into him licking his face. Lance shied away from it but Blue was persistent jumping up onto him to attack him further.

"Okay!" Lance said holding her at arm's length. "You done?"

Blue roared loudly shifting into a lion as she pawed his face.


"Okay." Steve said guiding her paw away. "How about we watch this film?"

Lance nodded sticking his tongue out at Blue who purred at him laying across his lap.

"If I need the loo you'd better move." Lance warned poking her side.

Blue didn't reply just rested her head on Steve's leg closing her eyes.

"I'm trapped." Lance decided crossing his arms. "I'm never leaving this sofa."

Blue let out a loud yawn and Lance chuckled.

"I hate you."

Blue purred again.

"I want one." Clint admitted nudging Tony.

"I can't make one." Tony glared. "We're not even close to anything like her."

"Would you guys please be quiet?" Steve frowned. "Trying to watch this film."

"Alright, okay." Tony said holding his hands up.

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