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Lance followed Thor down the ramp, the others were still there waiting and for some reason Lance didn't really want to face them.

He hugged himself walking as close as he could to Thor.

A heavy arm wrapped around his shoulders and Thor shot him an encouraging smile before turning to the others.

"Friend Lance would like to come with us." Thor explained his voice firm and serious.

"Blue too." Lance whispered.

"Okay." Tony nodded. "But um... I'm not sure if your lion will fit in the Avengers tower."

Lance's shoulders rose, the idea of being seperated from Blue sent a chill down his spine, he couldn't imagine it.

"I'm sure we'll think of something." Steve promised.

"The lion isn't leaving."

Lance's gaze snapped to Fury who had crossed his arms.

"Why not?" Lance asked wishing he didn't sound so small, but he felt small, like a lost child.

"Because your ship is a war machine." Fury explained shaking his head. "Half the machinery we can't even grasp."

"You can't keep us seperated." Lance said shaking his head. "Please you can't."

"Kid, your lion won't fit at the tower." Tony said gently. "I promise Fury won't touch your ship."


"If Lance has to leave his friend here then I shall leave mine too." Thor explained placing his hammer down. "Until we come up with a better solution."

Lance blinked down at Thor's hammer sat on the tarmac, was he really willing to leave it there just to make Lance feel more at ease.

Blue purred softly and Lance let out a short sigh.

"Okay." He whispered. "For now though."

The ride in the jet this time had a bit more conversation.

Mostly between Natasha and Clint and Tony and Bruce who was also the Hulk.

Lance was quite happy he had remembered all their names.

But he had gotten better at that over the last few years.

Years. Like Lance had a clue how long it had been.

All he knew was that he had been in space, fighting a war he didn't start, for too long.

Far too long.

He rubbed his arms trying with a futile attempt to chase away the cold that was nipping at his skin.

He missed Blue.


Lance glanced up to see Steve standing next to him holding a grey jumper out to him.

Lance happily took it tugging it on. It was far too big for him, it looked like it was one of Steve's, but it was warm and Lance was quickly relaxing into it.

It reminded him of when Hunk would offer his jacket or jumper.

A sharp stab of pain made Lance gulp. Why did he think about that?

"You okay?"

Lance gave a weak nod. "Yeah, I... Thank you."

Steve offered a smile. "You're welcome."

He sat next to Lance and the two were both quiet for a while. It wasn't a bad silence but Lance knew Steve had questions and Lance wanted to answer them but he wasn't sure how long his emotions would hold out.

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