Stacy and Morales

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Lance rolled his computer chair to his desk and opened his laptop. He had so many questions.

Miles and Gwen had been talking over lunch, Lance pretended not really to be listening, but there was just something about them that...

Lance couldn't put his finger on it. He couldn't explain the feeling.

But there was something about them.

"Okay, Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy." He mumbled as he tapped the names into the search bar. "Who are you?"

The screen loaded.

Miles Morales:
Gifted young student, ahead of his time, won several awards for his art and his science work.

Gwen Stacy:
Midtown best and brightest, worked in some of the top labs and has lived here for her whole life.

Lance frowned. "Okay, what does SHIELD know about you?"

He opened up his phone and connected it to his laptop, he opened an app and tapped their names in again.

This time all of SHIELD's information loaded up as well.

Miles Gonzalo Morales:
Son of Jefferson Davis and Rio Morales.

Jefferson Davis is a police officer for Midtown and Rio works as a doctor in one of the main hospitals in Midtown.

Miles' uncle Aaron Davis was killed in a gun fight.

Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy:
Daughter of George Stacy and Helen Stacy.

George Stacy is a police officer for Midtown and Helen Stacy was a scientist.


Lance frowned. "Was? What happened?"

He was quickly finding answers.

Helen Stacy was in a laboratory accident, part of her lab collapsed during the battle of New York destroying most of her work and killing her.

Battle of New York?

Lance frowned as he leaned back. "What on Altea?"

Then he delved into that. There was so much buzzing in his mind that when JARVIS informed him it was dinner time he could only nod quietly.

"Hey kiddo? How was school?" Tony smiled as he entered the kitchen.

"You..." Lance started as he met Tony's gaze. "How did you not die?"

"What?" Steve frowned.

"Battle of New York." Lance explained looking around the group. "You fought a tightly controlled hive-mind alien army."

Tony dropped his plate, Bruce flinched, Thor shot an anxious look around while Steve, Clint and Natasha looked between eachother.

"I... I shouldn't have mentioned that, should I?" Lance whispered shoulders dropping as he walked to his chair. "I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it."


"School was fine, I got lost twice but I'm getting there." Lance mumbled as he poked at his food.

"Teamwork." Tony said.

"What?" Lance asked lifting his head.

"We worked as a team and watched each other's backs." Steve explained meeting Lance's gaze. "It was hard, we struggled a lot but it clicked."

Lance nodded slowly. "How did you close the wormhole?"


"Um... Portal or whatever." Lance gestured.

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