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"So what happened?" Gwen asked as she sat next to Lance. They were waiting for their teacher to arrive so the classroom was mostly just messing around.

Lance didn't look at her. "What do you mean?" He asked flicking a scrunched up piece of paper perfectly into the bin.

He grinned.

"Someone said you got hit by a car last week." Miles explained. "After school, apparently you went flying."

"Oh that." Lance smirked. "I would like to say it was greatly exaggerated."

"Would like to... You actually got hit?!" Flash blinked he looked so bewildered. "And you're in school."


"No, he's right you shouldn't be here." Miles said shaking his head. "Being hit by a car is a serious thing."

"For some people." Lance grumbled deadpan while holding Miles gaze.

"Lance, you shouldn't be here, go home." Flashed reinstated making Lance look away.

"It grazed me." Lance said holding his hands up. "I'm fine, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't okay."

"Sure." Gwen frowned her eyes narrowing.

Lance sighed. He really should try to explain a few things. "Okay so yes I got hit by a car." He admitted leaning on the table. "And I have a secret to tell you guys."

"Okay." Miles nodded leaning forward. "You want to do it here?"

Lance glanced around the classroom. Maybe... No, if he chickened out again then things would only get more complicated.

"I don't care anymore. You guys deserve to know it will no doubt answer a lot of questions that you guys have about me, just... Please don't freak out." Lance decided firmly. "I'm the blu-"

The roar that shattered through the building made the glass rattle and everyone flinched to cover their ears.

Lance felt his heart leap up into his throat. What was going on?!

The roar lessened slightly before a giant metal paw came crashing through the ceiling.

Lance flinched back eyes snapping up. Standing above the school was a lion. A giant metal blue lion.

A blue lion.

"Blue?" He whispered with a frown.

This wasn't right.

"What's happening?!" Flash asked.

"Oh my days the blue paladin has turned evil!" Someone screamed.

Lance suddenly felt sick. This wasn't right, this wasn't right!

Blue growled warningly in his mind but he was paralyzed with confusion. What was going on?

"Move!" Gwen called in his ear dragging him backwards as the paw shifted causing more wood to splitter and tables to fly.

The door was blocked and they were trapped in a room with a giant hole in the roof and a suspiciously close copy of Blue.

"What are we going to do?!" Flash asked shaking Lance's arm.

It wasn't helpful.

Miles and Gwen were clearly trying to get away, discreetly, probably to become the Spiders so they could take on this giant.

But that would be a dangerous pastime.

He couldn't let them do that.

And it occurred to him that this wasn't anyone else's job, this was something he had to deal with. And he had to deal with it now.

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