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"And you let him leave?" Keith asked eyes narrowing as he stared at Hunk in confusion. "He's injured."

"I know!" Hunk snapped back. "And I'm worried too. He noticed me, he saw me and... He... He thought I wasn't real."

"He thought he was hallucinating?" Shiro asked softly and it made everything settle, but not in a good way.

"He seemed so cold, distant." Pidge whispered hugging herself. "He looked right at me too."

"And myself too." Axca nodded. "His injuries didn't seem too bad."

"But he shouldn't be rushing into a battle so soon after waking up." Lotor added crossing his arms. "He needs adequate rest."

"We have to go after him." Allura decided jumping to her feet. "One of you must reconnect with your lion so we can pursue."

The four remaining paladins all shared a glance before they closed their eyes.

All of them reaching out into emptiness in search of something, anythi-

"Ah!" They all gasped, at once flinching apart.

"What happened?" Allura asked catching Shiro's arm.

"The lions." Shiro breathed clutching his head. "They rejected us."

"Why? Why would they?" Allura breathed.

"Because Lance has not relinquished them." Coran answered tugging his mustache. "It is the only explanation that I can think of."

"But even then, the lions should be able to connect to the others too." Allura frowned. "This doesn't make sense."

"Indeed." Coran nodded. "I shall ponder on it."

"We need to find him." Shiro decided. "And we need to do it now."

"How?" Keith grumbled. "We haven't got any ships and we've got no lions."

"Actually." Pidge blinked as she lifted her head, her eyes suddenly brighter. "They do have a ship."


Keith gripped the controls tightly as he forced the Galran fighter into the air. "Someone has tampered with the controls." He growled irritatedly as he glared at the flashing warning that persisted in appearing. "I'm not happy."

"We noticed." Pidge said shaking her head. "I'm struggling to track them, something is interfering with my gear."

"Something doesn't sit right." Shiro admitted. "Something about the lions instant rejection, they didn't even try to explain it."

"You think something's wrong with them?" Hunk asked with a frown from where he was fixing part of the ship.

"No," Shiro said shaking his head, "with Lance."

"Can you go any faster?" Allura asked gripping the back of Keith's chair.

"I'm trying." Keith grumbled. "The powers only at 50%."

"It should be working better now." Hunk called from where he was working. "I've managed to patch it for now, but I don't know how long we can stay in the air."

"Hold on tight." Keith mumbled.


Lance moved the black lion under the massive mass of rock. The other lions joined him apart from Red who was still ferrying civilians off the rock.

"I'm ready." He informed gripping the controls.

"Punch it Lance, we're ready." Tony answered.

Lance pushed the lions forwards, their claws clamping into the rock before pushing the rock upwards at a much faster rate.

Then an Ultron bot appeared on Lance's screen. He punched at Blacks eye, she gave a grumble of annoyance.

Lance rolled his eyes. "Yeah I know girl."

"You cannot defeat me." Ultron stated angrily. "You never will."

"But you don't get it." Lance smirked. "I'm never alone."

In a blur Ultron was gone and Vision then appeared in the cockpit. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, you might wanna go and check everything up there, I can handle things down here."

"Excellent." Vision nodded before he vanished. And that was going to take some getting used to.

"Alright girls, this should get easier." He frowned pushing the controls further forward. "Anti-gravity is gonna make this a breeze."

He felt the energy surge through him before Black seemed to shift. Lance's eyes flickered to the controls to see that she had formed wings that each offered an extra boost forcing the rock higher.

The rock burned as it began to exit the earths atmosphere, the lions didn't relent even when they began to break through.

"There is one Ultron bot remaining up here." Vision informed over the coms.

"Better take him down." Lance grit out as Black's jawblade formed. "Cause we're gonna cut this rock down to size."

The claws of all the lions detangled and they fell back allowing the lions to strike the rock with the glowing jawblades.

Within moments the floating rock was much smaller.

The red lion joined them and began blasting the rocks even smaller.

Yellow bashed them away while Blue and Green slashed through them.

Lance smirked to himself watching Thor bat one of the smaller rocks away. Vision shot past and blasted many with no remorse.

They were a strong team the avengers, and Lance had a feeling that even if he hadn't of shown up they would have won this battle.

"Rocks no more than dust now." Lance grinned. "And now I can finally figure out what is going on."

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