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"There's a chance that they're out there." Lance whispered. "I'm going to find them. I'm not giving up."

Yellow purred resting her head against his shoulder. You will not have to search alone.

"I think we need to start with this pilot." Lance admitted staring at the dark ceiling. "How did they get here? Why are they here?"

Questions that we will no doubt struggle to answer right now. Black noted calmly.

"Could you feel it?" Lance asked softly. "When I heard Hunk, did you feel it?"

Yellow shifted her weight, her eyes glimmering in the dark. It is hard to tell. His connection to us was weak, but now I cannot feel it.

Lance sighed. "Okay."

How do you plan on finding that pilot?

Lance offered a smile. "They're going to come to us."


"Hey kiddo, where are you going?" Tony asked with a frown when he noticed Lance with his school bag on.

"I'm going to solve a mystery." Lance explained with a smile.

"Need any help?"

"Not yet." Lance decided glancing to the window. "I might do eventually."

"Well I can be smart if I need to, so give me a shout. Or Natasha, she's good with mysteries." Tony smiled. "Are you going to be back for dinner?"

"Should be."

"Good, cause Pepper and Rhodey are coming over." Tony nodded. "Have fun and stay safe."

"I will." Lance promised. He felt lighter leaving the tower that morning.

Somewhat confident that maybe he might find exactly what he was looking for.

Or maybe he was being too optimistic.

As he wondered through the streets he tried to open his mind. With five lions taking up most of the room it often felt a little cramped inside his mind.

Too many voices and thoughts and ideas.

And so he threw the windows open in his figurative mind and just let the air in.

We will aid you as much as we can in your search.

"Thanks Black." Lance whispered to himself. "Do you think it's someone on the Galran's side or not?"

It is difficult to say, they may have stolen the ship and come here like yourself. Or they might be here on purpose.

"But again that doesn't make much sense." Lance sighed. "How's Yellow?"

She is still trying her best to tap into her bond with Hunk. She has not yet found anything. It is draining her energy.

Lance frowned and stared across the street. "Where are you Hunk?" He whispered mostly to himself.

Hunk had been the best friend Lance could have hoped to ever gain. He was fantastic, kind, patient and super helpful. He deserved the world and yet here Lance was living his life like a somewhat normal teenager while he was possibly-

Don't finish that thought. Blue warned. You have said it yourself, you don't know exactly what happened to them.

"We're still holding onto hope huh?" Lance chuckled tiredly. "Can you sense Allura? I mean she was literally bonded to all of you by her father. If there's anyone you should be able to reach it's her."

Perhaps that is where we need to focus out attention now. We will do our part paladin. Green assured.

I will help you if this Galran shows up. Red growled. I doubt I could reach my paladin.

You are still far to hasty to act. Black sighed. She sounded stressed.

Lance chuckled to himself. "Who knows, maybe one of them escaped and has turned up here."

It was an unlikely thing but it sparked hope within Lance. Maybe he might find one of his team, his family. He refused to believe that he had hallucinated hearing Hunk.

It felt real.

Hunk was alive somewhere. He just had to find him.


Gwen grit her teeth and pulled the line of web tight. It tripped the Rhino up making him crash into the concrete.

"You can't go charging off just because you're upset." She snarked webbing his hand to the floor. "Maybe you should just take a deep breath and-"

Miles swung through and pulled her out of the way as Rhino threw a bench at her.

"Hey Spidey," she nodded as they landed on the side of a building, "I didn't really need the save, but thanks."

Behind the mask Gwen could tell Miles was rolling his eyes. "You're welcome."

"Get down here you puny insects!" Rhino screeched. "So I can crush your tiny heads and-"

A blast hit Rhino's shoulder making him flinch. All attention moved to the new combatant.

"You do realise they're actually arachnids, right?" Lance asked tilting his head.

"Oh look, if it isn't the Avengers little pet." Rhino spat.

"I am no one's pet." Lance glared as a lion appeared at his side. "You really want to do this? Or are you going to be smart and hand yourself in?"

"You don't scare me boy."

"No, but it is four against one." Lance reminded with a smirk as Gwen and Miles landed with him.

"I can take you all on." Rhino roared tearing his arm free to charge at them.

Lance's jetpack formed allowing him to blast out of the way while the spiders moved swiftly out of his grasp.

"What are you doing here?" Gwen asked batting his shoulder.

"I've been searching for a pilot." Lance explained narrowly dodging a lampost thrown at him.

"And you have time to help?" Miles frowned at him.

Lance shrugged. "I've hit nothing but dead ends today, so maybe I need this."

"Anything we can help with?" Miles offered.

"Not really." Lance sighed. "Let's just get this guy sorted."

"You got it."

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