Watch me!

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The attack came slightly sooner than any of them expected. Lance hadn't even begun to move onto ships when sure enough that's what appeared in the sky.

"What is that thing?" Fury demanded as he gripped the podium of the helicarrier.

Lance glared at the screen. "That's a Galran cruiser."

"A what?" Hill asked tilting her head to look at him.

"It's from my universe." Lance explained stepping forward. "Activate your cannons, if you have any shielding left get it up, those ion cannons aren't pretty."


"Get your fighters in the air, we're about to have company." Lance said as the lions appeared with him. "They'll launch the fighters once they realise that you've got shields."

"Kiddo, this isn't the same as some of your tech back home." Tony reminded. "The shields are damaged anyway."

"Then let me out there to fight." Lance said firmly as he turned to them. "This is my job, this is why I'm here."

"We know it is." Tony assured. "And we're ready to follow your lead."

Lance blinked at him twice, he bad expected a battle in this, then smiled. "Okay, Tony get the shields back online, Steve I need you and Natasha to come with me. Clint I'm gonna need you to watch the fighters, they'll be coming in fast, okay?"

"Right. Am I taking them down?" Clint asked tilting his head.

"Yeah, Thor and Bruce, I'm gonna need you to keep the helicarrier in the air, lighting power it up and Hulk's gonna need to steer."

"You got it." Bruce nodded. "Anything else you want us to do?"

"Hope this works." Lance mumbled as Blue purred in his mind. "Alright let's go."


Launching in Blue to fly across to the cruiser was a strange feeling.

Lance had to remind hismelf not to start talking to the other paladins, they weren't here.

As fire opened upon him he swerved Blue into position. With a few quick blasts the cannons were frozen and Blue's jaw blade was making an entrance for them.

Lance stepped through the gap startling a Galran. "Sup." He smirked before using the butt of his blaster to knock them out.

"Okay, why aren't we just destroying this?" Natasha asked quietly.

"Because Axca is here and I think she knows more than she is letting on." Lance explained as Pidge's Bayard came to his hand. "That and I want to see if we can get any info from their computers."

"Alright then. Let's get to it." Steve nodded.

Lance shot the door controls and slipped into one of the maintenance rooms. He tapped quickly on the control panel.

"They've got prisoners." Lance realised. "We need to go and get them."

Steve nodded. "Do you know the way?"

Lance smirked and cut the panel for the vents open. "I know a shortcut."

Landing on the prison deck startled the two Galran's next to him but Steve landed ontop of one and knocked the other out.

Lance offered him a nod.

"How do we open these cells?"

Lance let Keith's sword form and slashed through the control panel, the doors all began opening and hesitant prisoners stepped out.

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