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Lance gave a soft groan as he shifted to lay on his side.

The partially open blind was letting sunshine in, casting the room in a warm glow.

As he sat up Blue's head perked up too. She let out a soft meow making Lance smile.

"This is really cool by the way." He croaked, his throat aching from the crying he had done.

I am glad you appreciate it.

Lance beamed at her. "Of course I appreciate it, you've always been there for me."

Blue moved then and her body glowed.

Lance frowned pulling back slightly unsure exactly what she was doing. Then her body shifted and she became a lioness.

She nuzzled her head into the crook of Lance's neck making him giggle slightly. "Okay, okay."

As she pulled back she licked across his hair making it stand up how it felt. He huffed slightly at her but she just purred back.

"I love you too." He mumbled, gently stroking her fur. "Don't leave me okay?"

I will never leave you, you are my paladin and always will be.

Lance let out a soft sigh of relief before his stomach growled loudly. "Great."

You must eat, paladin, while we are safe you must regain your strength.

"I know." Lance mumbled. "I just miss Hu-" he cut himself off looking away. "I don't want to eat food-goo anymore."

That is understandable.

Lance glanced towards the door. He wondered what the Avengers had in the tower for him to eat.

But he might not be welcome to just take what he wants.

Tony said he wanted you to feel happy and safe.

"At the expense of their own safety?" Lance frowned. "They're being very nice but I don't want to push it, what if I hurt them or... Or do something I shouldn't."

Then I will get you far away from this place.

Lance shot her a gentle smile and leaned forwards to rest their foreheads together.

"Thank you."

Not entirely knowing where he was going, Lance headed towards the lounge area hopeful that he might just get it right.

Steve was there making coffee.

"Morning Lance." He smiled offering a slight wave. "You okay?"

Lance gave a weak nod. "Just a bit hungry, that's all."

"We'll help yourself to anything you can find." Steve said gesturing to the kitchen behind him.

"Thanks." Lance nodded, he eventually found some bread and a toaster and soon had warm toast waiting.

Steve was still there watching him closely.

Once it was done and there was butter and jam spread on top Lance practically melted into the first bite.

"Sorry." He mumbled around the food in his mouth. "I haven't had toast in years."

Steve chuckled. "I'm glad you're enjoying it."

"This is really good." Lance admitted relaxing into his seat.

Blue then hopped up onto the table he was sat at, he smiled patting her head affectionately.

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