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It was meant to be an easy mission. But then again anything is easy when you're focused on it.

When you're completely distracted by things that are completely out of your control things become impossibly harder.

Fury had called and asked for his help, apparently Blue's ability to carry large loads easily and at high speeds was an interesting and needed asset.

And Lance would do anything at this point to get his head out of the past.

He needed distracting.

But this was far more then a distraction. He had been asked to deliver aid to a SHIELD base who had experienced a natural disaster just recently.

What they didn't tell him was that they were now also under attack.

Luckily with Blue's shields he was able to unload the relief aid without being killed in the process.

Then he had offerent to help, after all he had a literal lion on his side. And the help was greatly appreciated.

Having a sharpshooter with a high powered blaster came to the aid of the SHIELD agents and soon he was piloting home.


He smiled faintly to himself at that thought.

He hadn't realised how accustomed he had become to being with the Avengers. He was just so used to it at this point.

And now their home was his home.

It just sounded right.

Then his screen flashed and Steve's face appeared on the screen.

"Hey Steve." Lance smiled offering a wave.

"Hey Lance." Steve nodded but he looked tense.

"Everything okay?" Lance asked, stiffening in his seat. He knew instantly that something wasn't right.

"You're late." Steve explained slowly.

Lance blinked. "Oh my days, I'm so sorry!" Lance gasped. "I didn't mean to, look, the SHIELD agents were in a bit of a sticky situation and I stayed to help, I'm so sorry I should have called."

"Lance it's okay." Steve rushed to say cutting off Lance's rambling with a small smile. "We were just worried."

"I'm okay." Lance assured. "Just, yeah, sorry."

"When you get back come to the lounge, okay."

Lance frowned, that didn't sound ominous at all. "Why?"

Steve shook his head. "We um... We want to talk."

Lance felt his anxiety rising. What had he done? "Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

"Good." Steve nodded. "See you in a minute."

The second Lance's feet hit the ground of the hangar he was running.

The lift didn't seem to move fast enough.

He was on edge, he was so anxious that he could hardly stand still rocking on his feet as he waited, waiting to arrive on the right floor.

Maybe taking the stairs would be quicker.

The lift dinged and Lance couldn't have moved faster, he practically tripped out of the lift and then ran to the lounge to find the others waiting.

All of them waiting.

All of them.


"I am so sorry I'm late, I got caught up delivering aid to that place where the thing happened which I'm told I can't talk about." Lance breathed tossing his helmet onto the side. "Sorry."

"It's alright Lance." Tony said shuffling his hands. "You should um... Come and sit down."

"Am I in trouble?" Lance asked hesitating slightly.

"No, you're not." Clint said hopping to his feet to stand next to him. "We've just got something to tell you."

"You're all being very cryptic." Lance mumbled as he took the seat that was suggested.

"We're all just a little nervous." Steve admitted as he passed him a folder. "Read it."

Lance held his gaze for a few seconds more, trying to see what he was hiding but he gave nothing away, so he opened the file up.

At first it didn't make any sense, too many words in blocky paragraphs and it was only when he got partway through the third paragraph that the words hit him like a truck.

And for a moment everything fell still.

Silent and heavy.

"You want to adopt me." He breathed tracing the words with his finger. His gaze snapped up to look at them all.

"Yeah." Bruce said slowly. "Is that okay?"

Lance leaned back in his seat staring at the words as if they had somehow come to life in front of him.

He then rubbed at his face, still looking like he was almost scared.

"Lance?" Thor asked, sounding nervous as he sat forwards, itching to give the young human a hug.

"Sorry." Lance whispered voice shaking slightly. "Are you sure?"

"We are if it's what you want." Natasha confirmed crossing her arms. "You've become part of our little family here Lance, we want you to be an official part of it."

Lance dropped his hand letting out a short breath as he looked back at the paper. "I really want this." He admitted voice shaky and quiet. "I really do."

"But?" Steve asked tilting his head.

"How is this going to become official? I don't... I'm not from here, I shouldn't be here." Lance pointed out. "Technically I don't exist."

Clint smirked. "We know people in high places."

Lance looked back at the file, he couldn't argue with that, after all he had met Fury. "Okay."

"Really?" Thor asked eyes wide with hope.

Lance found himself nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, let's do this."

Steve wrapped his arm around Lance's shoulders and pulled him to lean against him. "Then we'll make it official."

"Thanks." Lance said lifting his hand to dry his eyes. "I mean it, thank you."

"We didn't mean to make you cry." Tony said gently as he met Lance's glassy gaze.

"No it's just..." Lance paused offering him a watery smile. "I lost so much and... This means a lot."

"We want you to have family Lance and to have a place you can call home." Bruce smiled brightly.

"You deserve it." Clint added with a warm smile looking on the verge of tears himself making Lance give a soft laugh.

"Be careful Lance, you might make Clint cry." Natasha smirked.

"I'm a sensitive guy." Clint snapped back.

"I have one condition though." Lance said quietly making everyone fall silent.

"Yes Lance?" Tony nodded.

"I want to be treated like a normal kid." Lance admitted. "I know I have a pet lion and I know that you're the Avengers, but I... I want to be an ordinary person sometimes."

"We get that." Bruce nodded. "And we'll do our best."

"That's more than enough." Lance smiled while wiping his eyes. "Thanks guys."

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