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The Blades base was bigger than Lance had anticipated and seeing the rebels too, that was reassuring.

There was a great number of people who refused to let Zarkon and Haggar crush them.

And Lance's arrival seemed to be the icing on the cake.

"The blue paladin!"

"He has returned!"

"We're saved!"

"Zarkon and Haggar will fall now."

"This is more than I expected." Lance smiled glancing to Axca. "I think there's more here than we thought there would be."

Axca nodded. "Far more."

"What's your plan paladin?"

"How are we going to stop them?"

Kolivan stepped forward. "The paladin has only just returned to us, we must update him on what has been happening here before he can make any plans."

Krolia had ahold of his arm and was gently pulling him away.

Once they were in a quieter area she turned to him, her glowing eyes narrowed at him. "Do you have any plans on how to stop Zarkon?"

Lance sighed. "Voltrons an option, if I've done it once I can-"

"No, it's far too dangerous for you." Krolia snapped quietly.

"What do you mean?"

Krolia closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head. "One paladin forming Voltron is unheard of. It could kill you."

"Well it didn't, when I saved the-"

"It won't always end happily." Krolia cut him off. "You're draining your life force every time you do it."

Lance's gaze dropped as those words settled.

"I know that it's a lot to think about, but you cannot even offer Voltron as an option. It will kill you."

"But what have I got left to live for?" Lance whispered as he met her gaze. "My friends are all dead, and my universe is dying."

"I won't let you do this." Krolia stated firmly. "We will come up with a different plan."

Lance let her go. He couldn't think past his own fear. His own anger.

He needed to calm down.

The yellow lion appeared at his side and he slowly leaned into her. "I wish the others were here." He whispered into her fur. "Shiro would know what to do. Keith wouldn't be afraid. Pidge would be so excited to just help and... Oh Hunk where are you?"


"Zarkon is moving." One of the rebels informed as they ran over.

Lance was staring at the hologram map hoping that he could just knock himself back into normality.

He tried to imagine that he wasn't alone, but it was becoming harder with each passing second.

"Okay. Paladin, with the Blue lion you can shuttle us to the ship and then begin your attack."

"What if they launch that mecha suit?"

"One lion will not be able to take it on alone."

"Any suggestion?"

"I'll take the black lion." Lance decided leaning against the table. "Zarkons obsessed, I can play on his obsession, make him more crazy than he is then I draw him away from you guys."

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