12~ Morbid Morning, Alluring Dusk

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I stop dead in my tracks, my eyes widening in surprise. George was behind me. I'd been seen.

I exhale deeply, raising both of my hands as if revealing I'd been caught. I turn slowly towards the man behind me, my hands remaining in the air. George gives a confused look, glancing from me to the corpse on the couch. 

    "Did you...?" George's voice cracked with betrayal. 

    "No," I mutter simply, letting my hands down from the air. "I found him like this, he was outside, left against a building covered in blood and cuts, he was still breathing, so I thought I'd try and save him." I begin to walk toward him, wiping the blood from my hands onto my pants. "I'm unsure if it'll work."

He stays silent, shock in his expression.

    "I thought you'd want to see him, so I brought him to your house. I get that it's rude for me to just enter like this," I lean against his staircases pressing my hands against each other, crossing them against my chest. "I was just trying to bring him to his house so whenever he wakes up he's not alone and afraid." 

I finished the speech, knowing full well it was a complete fabrication of what happened. I watched as the Brit's eye began to fill with tears, running towards me, embracing me in a hug. I couldn't help but feel bad for the man. Clay hadn't come home last night, George probably assumed he had gotten killed. I hear as George sobs into my shoulder, hugging me tightly. I pat his back, feeling as my heart began to ache. What have I done? 

I bite my lip, trying to keep from crying myself. I'm such a shitty friend. 

    "It's okay George, he's safe," I mumble lovingly into his ear, trying to calm the man.

I feel as George begins to tug away, signifying for me to let go of the embrace. I bring my hand to his face, wiping a tear from his cheek, a small smile appearing on my face. "Clay's okay, there's nothing to worry about," I tell him. The taller glances down at my hand, noticing the heavy blood-stained wrap. 

     "Thank you for saving Clay," George begins, his tears falling at less of a substantial rate than before. George takes his eyes off my hand, looking me back in the eye. I could tell he noticed the snapped bone but decided not to bring it up. "I appreciate that."

    "Do you want some tea before you go?" He asks, smiling at me.

   "Oh that sounds wonderful, but I really should be going. I've got a lot of shit to do today. After all, I am vice president." I casually bring up the election results. 

   "Oh right! Right! You should get going then. Congrats on that by the way." He tells me, still smiling, glancing over quickly to Clay every once and a while. 

I smile once more, beginning to open the front door, waving behind me, and walking out of the mansion. I latch the door behind me, looking at Schlatt's parked vehicle, parked behind o couple of bushes to hide himself. I give a thumbs up and run to the car, swinging open the passenger seat and jumping in.

    "Did he catch you?" Schlatt asks, glancing at the time in the car.

   "He totally did, but, I lied my way out of it." I give a sly smile, nodding slowly. 

Schlatt raises his hand, wanting a high five. Our hands collide as I feel my smile grow across my face. 

    "Nice! You got away with murder." Schlatt takes his vehicle out of park, quickly backing it out onto the main road. I'm not a total fan of the strange teasing, but I guess he's right. I did get away with murder.

    "While we're in town, we should probably pick up Tubbo," Schlatt remarks, glancing at the backseat. "The back isn't too bloody, is it?" Schlatt glances up in the mirror. 

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