6~Hypothermia's a Bitch

411 10 74

tw/cw: hallucinations, blood


I dip my feet into the water, soon seeping down, allowing the warm abyss to consume me, the numb feeling pressing against my fingers and toes turning fast to pain, the frostbite completely inflaming my body.

I wince in despair, feeling as if my hand had been completely engulfed in the water, the burning feeling hitting the tips of my fingers, seething through the broken limb. It had been hell.

"Fuck!" I exclaim, feeling the unbearable pain through my body. "¡Esto duele más que esa vez que trataste de matarme!"

I hear no response. I pay no mind to the absence of a reply, far too busy attempting to assess the hell I'd been dropped in. I begin to notice a red color seeping off of my body, not the murky brown blood I'd been seeing occasionally flake off of my body, no. It looked fresh.

I briefly search for the cause of this mysterious cut, quickly searching my body.

My searching got interrupted quickly, as a fuzzy feeling began to erupt in my head. Either it was the fact that I had been in a cold climate, being moved into lukewarm waters, or it was the fact that I had already lost a lot of blood, but I felt like hell.

I feel as I fall into a slump, the deep red water consuming me. My head collides with the back of the bathtub, the diluted red color seeping down the off-white wall behind me. I began to lose feeling in my face, my entire right side of my body a buzzing numbness. The ambiguous feeling surrounded me constantly. I could have sworn nothing was real.

"Schlatt!" I exclaim, attempting to get the man's attention. "Hello?" I ask beginning to grow worried for the man who merely stood in the corner, his apathetic gaze studying my every move. He simply stares, an uneasy feeling lingering on his face. His face looked lifeless, empty. I sat terrified, the occasional splashing of the opaque red being the sole noise left in the room at that moment.

My heartbeat quickens, unsure of what to do. Maybe he had fallen asleep? No, his eyes were wide open. That can't be. What is wrong with him?

I take my shaken hand, finding a towel on the ground, aiming toward him. He doesn't react at all, still stood there. My vision was blurry, the figure I had to only assume was Schlatt phasing in and out of my consciousness.

As I made eye contact with the mysterious figure a corrupt buzzing began to echo through the room. My gaze strengthened, watching the shadowy man, the darkness around him eradicating his identity. I tried to think of anything that it could be, but nothing came to mind. I dart back up at the figure, staring at it.

The grey towel shook in my hand. As I reel my hand back, my mind is filled with questions, "Should I throw it?" "What will happen?" "Will I regret this?". The questions remained to linger in my mind, the only thing I could think of.

I begin to ignore the overwhelming sense of uncertainty, my mind screaming for me to not throw.

I bring my arm back, taking a deep breath in, ignoring the sense of panic, the sense of the unknown, the sense of fear.

I throw it

As the two collide, I feel my head begins throbbing with pain, throwing my hands upward, covering my ears in misery, and dipping my head down. The complete feeling of agony ensued. It felt as if my ears were being ripped out as if an indescribable whisper was trying to tell me something.

The feeling of the mass amounts of pressure against my head, the intolerable tension, the agony, kept there for a couple of seconds. I kept my hands pressed hard against either side of my head. My mouth was glued shut in pain. As unexpecting as it began, it had gone away. Not in a normal fade, no, it simply stopped.

Red Looks Better On Liars- Schlatt X QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now