22 ~ You Paint A Bad Picture Of Us

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Tw: ED

A soft vibration echoes through my pocket, alerting me of a call. I place my hand in my pocket, digging for the source of the obnoxious sound. I pull out my phone and place it to my ear swiftly, glancing up at Karl and Sapnap before speed walking out of the room. I didn't want them to hear. 

      "Yeah?" I mutter into the microphone, pulling the phone close to my face, and latching the door behind me. 

       "Oh my god. Where are you? I've been so worried." The familiar voice rambles into the phone, speaking with complete fear in his voice. Schlatt finally got ahold of me.

      "I'm sorry, I just had to get out of the house." I try and explain, leaning on the door behind me, bringing my hand to my mouth, and beginning to gnaw at my nonexistent nails.

       "Yeah, you can get out of the house without going missing!" He exclaims.

       "Not successfully," I respond sarcastically.

       "Seriously, where are you?" He asks.

       "Why should I tell you?" I reply sharply.

      "Why wouldn't you? What good does this do you? What point do you think you're proving?" He asks in a calm voice. I stay quiet for a second, searching for a way to respond. I couldn't.

    "You're right," I say mumble calmly. "I'm at Karl's house." 

    "I'll be there in 5," He hangs up before I even get a chance to respond. I knew I shouldn't have picked up. 

I stand in a frozen blur. I don't move my position. My hand slowly slides down my face, taking the quivering phone off of my ear. I press my body onto the door behind me, leaning against it. My phone finds its way into my pocket, feeling as if I had no control over my body. I didn't know what to do. Do I want to go back? I had practically told him that I didn't love him. How am I supposed to just come back?

I fade out of my strange facade, my mind coming back to the sad, shallow reality. I had no choice. I press my hand onto the handle, the whining of the door creaking to an insufferable doorway, being met with my two friends sitting at the counter, chatting away. Their conversation comes to an immediate stop as they see, me their eyes meeting mine, anticipating what terrible news I've come to bring them. That's all I did. Bring terrible news. 

      "Schlatt knows where I'm at," I speak, beginning to walk towards them, maintaining eye contact with Karl as I do so. They both stay quiet, looking amongst themselves for anything to say. Nothing. They said nothing. I brush past them both, initiating towards the front door, staring deeply at the harsh wooden finish.

I reach my hand to the brass handle, wrapping my freezing fingers around the metal. 


I hear a voice call me. A hand envelops my shoulder as if to stop me. I turn my head to see Karl, his face confused. 

     "Where are you going?" He asks me, making sure that I didn't leave his unforgivable grasp. Truth be told, I don't actually know. I'm doing what I'm best at, leaving before anything happens. Have it be good or bad, I don't want to be involved. That's just how I was. 

    "I don't know," I say, reaching for the handle once more.

    "Quackity," He begins to pull me away from the door, placing me directly in front of him. "You need to stop sporadically doing shit just because you feel like it." 

    "I'm not," I answer in more of a rebellious way rather than a truthful way. Truthfully, I was totally just being a sporadic dumbass. In my mind, that was okay. In my mind, anything is okay. Nothing makes sense in my mind. That's just how I was. 

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