16 ~ Who?

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The sky's beauty paints onto the clouds arriving over the horizon, the abundance of stars disappearing, flickering to a blurred halt, one after another they disappear without a trace, only to return the night after, reminding the world of their beauty. Which was true. I hadn't known a single person who didn't like stars, nonetheless someone who thought they were ugly. I adored them, even as a young boy. 

I press my head against the wall, looking up to the sky above, the black wisping to a purple, light beginning to shine into the new day, reminding everyone of another day, another chance. I was someone who'd take that same chance and throw it away, stomp onto the trash, and burn it. I guess today I was feeling a bit different. 

Tck, Tck, Tck 

My body freezes up suddenly, unsure of what I had just heard. It sounded like knocking... very faint knocking. I press myself harder against the wall, not knowing if Schlatt would be too keen on me being out on his roof. 

Tck, Tck- shh

I watch as a hand goes in the crack of the window, pulling it completely open, Schlatt peaking his head outside, making eye contact with me. 

   "The fuck you doing?" Schlatt mumbles, leaning fully out, getting a good look at his surroundings. "It's barely 6." Schlatt emphases, rolling his eyes playfully. I simply don't respond, only flashing a quick smile.

Schlatt audibly sighs, placing a cigarette in his mouth, grasping onto the white frame of the window, quickly throwing himself through it, struggling to maneuver himself into the small gap. I let out a distinct laugh, not even trying to hide it.

    "I'm not as flexible as you, you ass!" He exclaims, finally getting out onto the tiled rooftop, standing menacingly over me. I innocently smile, opening my blanket to him, inviting him to share one with me. He happily agrees, sitting down beside me, the cigarette laying unlit in his mouth. 

I wrap the fuzzy blanket over both of his, placing my arm happily around his shoulder. 

    "I've been star gazing," I begin, looking up at the dim sky, the winter air already taken its hold on the sky, the beautiful grey looming over us, a soft blanket consuming the little stars that remain. "I was star gazing," I corrected myself.

He smiles at my comment, taking the cigarette out of his mouth. "You star gaze too?" Schlatt asks softly. "The constellation 'Perseus' was always my favorite," He mumbles, completely lost in thought, his mind rambling, his face calm. 

    "Perseus? They have names?" I ask, which is a stupid question, but I truly hadn't known. 

   "Of course they do. You know the wishbone-looking one?" He describes to me, instinctively bringing his hand up to show me, but having no stars in the sky, he sadly brings it back down. "I'd have to show you tonight. It's beautiful." 

    "The wishbone one?" I begin to try desperately to remember what he'd been talking about. "Wait, do you mean The Hero??" I ask him, honestly confused. 

   "Yeah! That one." Schlatt exclaims. 

   "Please never refer to that as a 'wishbone' ever again," I mutter.

   "It does though," He begins desperately.

   "No way," I laugh, jokingly arguing with him. 

   "Whatever!" He jokingly throws his arms in the air, grabbing his lighter from his pocket. "Do you mind if I smoke?" He asks before lighting it. 

   "Only if you'll let me have a hit of it." I tease him. 

   "I really don't want you getting addicted," He begins, honestly concerned. 

Red Looks Better On Liars- Schlatt X QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now