50 ~ Yikes! Don't Step On That!

65 3 35

Clay's POV --

    "You ain't goin'." Nick growls, voice echoing up my stairs. I look to the direction of the noise, finding George following closely behind with a snarl on his face.

    "You guys underestimate me. I'm a grown man, I can take care of myself!" George shouts back, not even sparing a glance in my direction.

    "Stop. What is going on?" I put my hand out, stopping Nick from taking a step forward. 

    "George wants to come with." Nick replies sternly. "I don't think he should. I don't want him near Schlatt."

The prince stares at him. "I do hope you know, I am older than you, Sap."

    "That doesn't correlate with maturity." He snaps back.

    "Good Jesus. What is up with you today?" I deadpan to Nick. He's been a huge scumbag all this week. Working this one job isn't even that bad. "You're usually a dick, but come on." 

    "Okay, yeah," Nick turns his gaze completely to me. "Yeah, yeah, go side with your fuck buddy, whatever. See if I care." 

   "Excuse you?" George recoils, disgust on his face. "I am not his fuck buddy." 

My eyes flick between the two and I don't speak a word. I wouldn't say he wasn't. 

    "I'm not siding with George because he's hot, I'm siding with him because you're being a blatant asshole." My lips move methodically, eyes flicking between the two. 

    "Yeah!" George growls, eyeing Nick before flicking by to me. "And we're not fuck buddies." 

My lips purse and I deadpan. 

Nick cracks up, turning away. 

    "What's funny?" I snap, eyes narrowing. 

    "Oh you know," Nick waves his hand at me. "You know."

I swear I can see George's eye twitch. 

    "Whatever. If George goes, Nick, you'd stay with Niki." I point to him. George stands triumphant. 

    "Nah, I still think George should stay with Niki. They're better friends anyway." He holds himself tall, pressing off his perch to stand at attention. "I'm more likely to kill her." 

    "You'd kill Niki?" I ask, eyes flicking up Nick's body. Sapnap would do a lot of things, but killing someone is not up there. Let alone, a girl. He has a soft spot for people, and Niki is one of them. "Uhuh. . ." 

     "What do you mean by that?" He mutters, offended. "Are you calling me a wuss?"

    "No. I'm calling you a pussy." 

    "I'm not a fucking coward Clay. Want me to show you? Want to take it outside you son of a bitch?" His once calm demeanour transfers into one that I recognized. Irrational and angry. I knew this Nick.

    "Yeah," I stand taller, looming over the shorter man. Intimidation was something I knew well. My hand snakes down to the gun resting in my holster. I cock my head toward the door. "Your call, Nick. We go out, I shoot you dead over a small argument. What a pathetic way to die." 

He doesn't respond right away, breathing heavily. George turns to him. "Nick, don't get worked up. He's just messing with you." 

Nick flicks his head toward George, honest fire in his eyes. "What do you mean don't get worked up? Kinda hard not to. Especially when it's dealing with this prick." 

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