1~ Will It Ever End?

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Quackity's POV (the whole book is his pov btw lol)

My shoes clicked amongst the dark stairs of the stage of my demise, being led towards it. They opened a curtain and there I was, I was at the disposal of the hundreds of people watching me. My wearied eyes glanced over the people in the audience, watching as they all talked amongst each other. I was beyond tired. Today was the day of the presidency and I was exhausted. I couldn't sleep. I was terrified of what this day would bring. Would I win and become president? Or would Wilbur win and spite me forever? Maybe it was best if Wilbur won. Though alas, it had already been done, the voting has already been completed, and now I wait for the results.

I sit down on the chairs assigned to me and George, confused as my running mate hadn't been there. Usually, he was fashionably late for stuff, seeing as he was the prince and normally had better things to be doing, but today? Where everything that I have done has led up to this exact moment? I'd expect more from him, but alas, no. He was gone.

I let out a verbal sigh, glancing over to the other side of the stage. I watch as Wilbur and Tommy exit the curtain on their side, sitting next to each other as well. I thought I was anxious, but Tommy looked awful. He looked mortified. I felt bad, really bad. His hands were strung throughout his hair, breathing heavily and practically rocking back and forth, muttering something under his breath. The kid was only about 12, almost 13, he didn't deserve the stress of being drug onto a stage full of people. Plus the stress of running for president with his older brother.

Wilbur looked fine though, he looked a bit gloomy but didn't we all. We were all terrified. We didn't know what would happen. We knew that only one of us could win. We both knew it would be me.

Almost a week ago, Schlatt had told Wilbur he wouldn't be his endorsement, that he was going to be running his own party. That he and I were in an alliance and were going to combine our votes. That completely ruined their friendship, as you'd expect. They were great friends. Well, used to be at least. Then I had to come along, and ruin it for them.

We sat in silence, waiting as everyone in the audience had taken their seat, the only noise being soft chatting from the people. I glance over at the chair where George was supposed to be sitting, him still not being there. I begin to lose hope in him showing up, considering the prince a no-show.

That was beside the point, yes, it was a shame that he didn't show up, but he also didn't seem too excited in this whole ordeal. He more was interested in watching me succeed. The votes had already been counted and were neatly folded on the crimson lectern placed neatly at the end of the elevated stage. So either way, it didn't technically matter if he were to be here or not.

I watch as Wilbur stands up, neatly dusting the dirt off his black slacks, glancing around the area, beginning to walk towards the lectern. He taps the microphone, everyone slowly shushing, their gaze shifting towards the man. Tommy was not too far behind him, standing timidly behind his elder brother.

I watch expectingly, him bringing his face close to the microphone, opening his mouth to speak, the January breeze brushing gently against our clothes. I breathe out, the cool air causing my breath to show against it.

I focus my eyes on the man, expecting him to begin speaking. Except he just watched, he studied the crowd, watching every one of them. He'd turn his head, glancing over at me, glancing back at Tommy. His mouth opens once more, beginning to speak.

"It's a pleasure to be here," He begins, reaching down, grabbing a piece of paper placed neatly on the lectern. His shaky hands almost dropped the note as he begins to open it, his face gaining an excited smile, looking back up. He brings the microphone closer, opening his mouth.

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