13~I Missed You, Kid

136 6 13

Tw: ED


I hand the finished sandwich to the boy, an eager smile on his face as he takes it. "Sorry for feeding you so late bud, I assumed Phil would make you dinner," I tell him, beginning to sit down at the table with the boy, a water bottle in my hand to make him feel less alone while eating.

    "Oh, it's okay!" Tubbo begins, stuffing his face in the turkey sandwich, pure and utter excitement on his expression. Tubbo had always loved turkey. No clue why, he just did. 

   "I assumed so too, but the entire household was just sort of packing their stuff. I think they mentioned something about moving." Tubbo briefly mentions, taking a sip of water.

   "Oh? Where are they moving? Did they tell you?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

   "Yeah, they told me. But they said no matter what, I can't tell my dad." He repeats them, attempting to recite the way they speak, instead mocking their accents completely.

Tubbo had sounded British, as Wilbur and Tommy had a huge part of Tubbo's childhood. He saw them more than he saw anyone else, including his own dad, so he had just sort of adopted that accent. Schlatt has never been to Britian, neither has Tubbo. Tubbo just has the accent.

   "Ah, I won't tell him," I promise him, "I was just curious." 

   "Nope! I can't, remember. I can't tell my dad." Tubbo repeats himself, taking another bite. 

I sit in silence, trying to figure out what he had meant by that.

Tubbo glances up and notices my confused expression.

   "You're my dad, I can't tell you." Tubbo finally explains to me, smiling. He laughs as if I was ridiculous for being confused. 

I feel as my heart turns to fire as I melt. He thinks of me as his other-dad. I've done it. His son loves me. I smile under my breath, forgetting to speak.

   "Oh yeah. . . yeah." I repeat under my breath, nodding my head a bit, sipping on my water. 

   "Okay, I'm done," Tubbo quickly says, setting down his sandwich onto his plate, half the sandwich left.

   "Why don't you finish it? There's only a little bit left." I bring up, pushing the plate towards him a little bit. 

   "Hmm... Do you want to share it with me?" Tubbo asks, sitting down his water onto the table. 

I sit there unable to come up with an answer. I mean. . If it gets the kid to eat his food. . .

    "Fine, as long as you promise to eat your half." I tell him as he begins to light up. I watch as he rips the sandwich in a semi-half. One side was significantly bigger than the other, and of course, he gives me the bigger one. 

    "These halves seem unfair," I tease the boy, lifting up my "half". 

Tubbo giggles along side me, eyeing me, waiting for me to take my bite. I do the same to him, holding my piece to my face. 

Tubbo takes a small bite out of his piece, as do I. The taste brought back memories. Memories I wish to repress. I disguise my discomfort in a smiling face, setting down my sandwich after the first bite. 

    "You have to finish it," Tubbo tells me as he takes a bite out of his. I let out a fake laugh, grabbing the sandwich once again. I bring it up to my mouth and take another bite, silently chewing it. The feeling of chewing something caused my jaw to lock in place, aching my teeth and body. 

I watch as Tubbo eats his half, quickly wiping his hands on each other, knocking the crumbs onto the table cloth. He watches as I struggle to eat a 1/5 of a sandwich. Pathetic. 

I quietly gnaw, placing the sandwich back down between bites. Tubbo watches me, sipping at his water as he does. 

    "Do you not like turkey?" Tubbo asks, cocking his head to the side. 

   "Truthfully, no, not really." I answer him, continuing to awkwardly eat. I didn't like turkey as much as I didn't like any other food. I just didn't understand why people would enjoy it. It's a burden if anything. Eating in general is a burden.

I place the sandwich onto the plate, a couple bites left. "Yeah, I'm done, I really don't like turkey." I tell him, laughing a bit, taking a drink of water. 

    "I haven't seen you eat all day? Are you going to eat after I go to bed?" Tubbo brings up the obvious strange behavior of me. "Come to think of it, the only time I've ever seen you eat was a couple months ago. Do you just not eat?"

    "No, I just eat when you aren't here usually." I semi tell the truth. Yes, I occasionally eat just to keep myself from passing out, but other than that, no. 

    "Oh," Tubbo says, sitting at the table, interested in the conversation. "That makes sense." 

    "Yeah, I usually eat a lot of eggs. I really enjoy them." I tell the kid, spacing out at the sandwich. I wasn't a huge fan of eggs either truth be told. Though I was always told they were a solid source of protein. Protein was necessary for me to live with this awful diet, so I sucked it up and ate boiled eggs. Schlatt had always had a nice supply in the fridge, in case I got hungry. Which wasn't often. I usually would eat once a week, if that. 

    "Oh, I like eggs too!" Tubbo excitingly tells me, smiling. 

    "I bet you do." I respond, taking my eyes off the plate, instead shifting them to Tubbo.

    "Are you okay?" Tubbo suddenly asks, concern in his face. Truthfully, no. I felt as if I were about to vomit any second, probably looked like it too, hearing Tubbo's remark. 

    "Yeah, just don't like turkey." I tell him, lying completely. I don't mind turkey. 

   "Oh okay," Tubbo says, brushing off his concern. 

   "You should go up to bed," I tell him, beginning to stand up from my chair, my hands shaking a bit. 

   "I am a bit tired." Tubbo says, also standing up. 

I stand up feeling nauseous. An uncomfortable smile on my face as I look at Tubbo. 

I stand spaced out, staring emptyly at the L.E.D. clock atop the stove, the flashing numbers appearing a light green. 8:32pm. I was tired aswell.

I get knocked quickly out of my trance by cold arms wrapping around me, causing me to jump. I glance down concerned, only to see Tubbo hugging me as hard as he could. I slowly began to wrap my arms around him aswell, confusion in my face. He's never hugged me first. 

    "You're the best mom-dad I could ever ask for." Tubbo's voice was muffled in my shirt, happiness in his voice. I feel a smile appear on my face, my heart melting with joy. Tubbo thinks of me as his mom. I love this kid. 

    "You're the best son I could ever wish for." I tell him, patting his back. 

   "What can I call you?" Tubbo asks me, looking up from the hug.

   "Mom, you can call me mom." 

   "I love you, mom."

   "I love you too, Tubbo."

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