19~ Surprise!

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My body presses against the wooden door, the sun shining sharply into my eyes, blinding me briefly as I bring my palm up to block the numbing rays. I glance behind me at the door I was leaning against, the wood keeping me stable. I felt pathetic. Too weak to even knock. 

I ignore these thoughts, reluctantly pushing myself off the door, stumbling to my shaking feet, my knees melting under me, my feet scalding with frostbite. I bring my fist up, my thumb tucked neatly under my balled fist, hitting the door quietly. No response.

I hit a bit harder, and this time I hear the door knob jiggle. I watch as the door opens slowly, weary eyes watching me from the crack in the door, raising an eyebrow. The door swings completely open once he finally realizes who I am. 

    "Quackity!" Nick yells out loud, opening his arms for a hug. I quickly fall to him, partially from excitement, otherly from exhaustion. 

    "God, you're cold." He exclaims jokingly, peaking behind my shoulder. "Where... where's your car?" 

I stay quiet, completely letting my body weight off my feet, his beefy figure able to hold me up without a problem. "Quackity..." He mutters softly, holding me tighter, closing the door behind him. He basically carries me over to his couch. He sits down first, pulling me into his lap, and hugging me tightly. I lay there completely motionless, unable to form a coherent thought. 

     "You feeling okay dude?" He asks finally, laying his hand softly against my forehead, feeling my temperature. 

    "I'm feelin' great... Dude." I say in a murmur, my words slurring together. "Just felt like swinging by to say~hello! " 

   "Did you fucking walk?" He interrogates me, concern in his voice. "And are you drunk?" 

    "No," I begin, "If I was drunk I'd be crying right now," I tell him, seriousness in my voice. "I'm just so, so cold." I curl up into him, pushing my face into his chest, trying to feel any source of warmth.

   "Your fucking feet! Quackity! What the fuck!" He screams out more concerned rather than annoyed. He wraps his hands around my soaked socks, feeling the ice-cold snow packed onto them. "Jesus!"

He takes off my soaking socks, tossing them to the ground. He takes the fuzzy brown blanket that was drooped on the side of the sofa, and throws it over the two of us, wrapping it extra tightly around my feet. Sapnap had been a fire demon, meaning his blood had always run hotter, which was perfect for moments like these. 

    "It's bad enough you walked in this kind of weather, it's even worse that you didn't wear shoes. I could get away with just lecturing you about the first one, but no shoes? Really? You've either got to be real drunk, or real stupid to think of that. Even when I'm drunk I remember shoes- don't be doing that- blah- blah- blah-" Sapnap rambles on and on about how I'm oh so dumb. I couldn't understand him. He hugs me tightly to him. He was definitely concerned, he just didn't know how to express it, so instead, he just expresses it in anger. I could tell as every time he yelled, I could feel as he pushed himself closer to me, hoping I'd feel some sort of comfort in his words. 

     "I had a bad day and wanted you." I try and justify my actions, even though I knew deep down nothing would fix this.

    "Quackity, it's okay. I can tell you're tired. It's 7:40. Just try and close your eyes and go back to sleep, you can stay here." His voice suddenly became soft, as if his entire angry personality suddenly disappeared, his eyes bleak with understanding. It was only then I realized. I was crying again. The hot tears dripping down my face gave it away. My face was so numb I hadn't felt them.

Nick only holds me tighter as I close my eyes. His type of comfort was one I could never understand. It was so similar, yet so different from Karl's. Karl understood, Nick made sure it wouldn't happen again. 

    "I love you," I say quietly, before the dizziness catches up to me, my eyes shutting quickly, my body completely failing me. Darkness falls over my eyes as I drift to an unresponsive state. I was beyond tired.

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